Getting Caught Making Out / Kim Seungmin

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Originally Posted: February 14th, 2021 on Instagram
Rewritten: December 16th, 2023 on Instagram

My laughter filled the small bedroom as my boyfriend's soft lips left feathery kisses along the exposed skin on my neck and collarbones.

"Seungmin that tickles!" I squealed out as he nipped gently at the skin. After six months of being together, he knew exactly how to tease me. I wiggled in his lap, making sure that my hips brushed against him in a way that would have him practically begging for me in a matter of minutes. That was all it took for him to stop his attack on my neck, pulling away with labored breaths

"You tease, you know we can't. Not in the dorm."

He had a point. Not only was there the fact that we could be caught at any moment, but the members and the managers didn't know about our relationship. Seungmin and I had been best friends for years, we grew up together, so it wasn't unusual for us to spend time together. When we started dating we agreed to keep it to ourselves for a while, the less people knew the less of a chance this had to make it to the public. But despite all of that, I thought it was entertaining to get him all riled up, especially when I knew he wouldn't do anything about it.

I moved against him again:

"You're evil." He complained, but nevertheless pulled me closer by the waist. My chest was pressed flush against his, I could feel his heart hammering against his sternum and I'm sure h could feel mine.

We continued to make out, our lips getting more and more careless and messy, until eventually Seungmin gently pushed me back into the mattress. I propped myself up on my elbows as my boyfriend sat between my legs.

"Change your mind Minnie?" I taunted. Seungmin scoffed at me and reached for the hem of my shirt.
"Off. Please." His voice was strained with need. I figured he had been through enough and complied with his order. In a matter of seconds my shirt had been thrown to the floor and Seungmin was leaving scarlet marks on the plush skin of my breasts, slowly moving down and across my stomach.

Little, airy, moans of pleasure left my lips as Seungmin decorated my body with his marks. He reached for the waistband of my joggers and I would have let him take them off but I quickly halted him.


"I'm not finished with you. You've done nothing but tease me since you got here."

Before I could get out another word he had his lips pressed against mine and was grinding his hips into mine again. At fist I thought that my mind was playing tricks on me, that I never heard the door and I was being paranoid, but I was proven wrong the moment the door came flying open.

Seungmin quickly pulled away from me, sitting straight as a board. His face was ghostly pale and he refused to meet their eyes.

"Holy shit!" Jeongin screamed. Him and Hyunjin stood in the doorway frozen in shock of what they just saw. Seungmin grabbed a pillow from beside my head and threw it at them, barely missing as they closed the door.

I sat up, finding my shirt on the floor and pulling it back over my head.

"I tried to tell you." I mumbled softly. He didn't respond and just held his face in his hands, he was completely mortified and I didn't blame him one bit.

"SEUNGMIN! Y/N!" Chan's voice echoed from down the hall and I let out a sigh. I knew that it was time for us to face them, we couldn't hide in our little bubble forever.

I pulled Seungmin's hands away from his face, taking them in my hands instead and pulling him to his feet. I led the two of us out to the living room where everyone was gathered. The air felt heavy and awkward as they all stared at us.

"How long has thing been going on?" Chan was calm as he looked to us for answers.

"Six months..." Seungmin's voice was shaking, his grip on my hand tightening, "Please don't make us break up. I-I can't"

I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, letting him know that I was here no matter what was going to happen. Confusion clouded Chan's face, eyebrows knitting together and eyes widening.

"Break up? Nobody's making you break up." A sigh of relief washed over both of us, "if I'm being completely honest, I kinda knew."

Chan gave both of us a soft smile.

"We all knew." Changbin chuckled and Seungmin looked towards him in shock.

"You knew?"

"Well you weren't exactly subtle about it." Minho mumbled under his breath, earning mumbles of agreement from the others.

"You wouldn't talk to me for a week and threatened to put nair in my shampoo when I was complimenting Y/N when she came to our concert a few months ago." Jisung spoke up from a chair across the room, "or when Changbin wanted to sit next to her and you-"

"Okay I get it!" Seungmin cut him off, his cheeks flushing bright pink at the embarrassed of the whole situation.

"The point is, nobody here has a problem with you two dating. We just want you to be honest with us, you don't have to hide around us." Chan's words made Seungmin sigh with relief, "But please, make sure that you're being safe if-"

"Oh my god we are not having sex!" Seungmin suddenly yelled out, startling everyone in the room with how frantic he sounded. My face turned bright red and I tried to hide my face behind my hand.

Chan put his hands up in surrender, immediately dropping the topic of our sex life, "Okay, sorry, I'm sorry."

Frustrated with the situation, Seungmin turned around and sulked off to his room. I apologized to the others one more time before following after him to make sure he was okay.

"Minnie?" I tried to be gentle with my tone as I walked up behind him. Sitting down on the bed I rested a hand on his back and gentle rubbed circles into his shoulder, "Chan was just worried about us. He wants to make sure we're being responsible."

"I'm just so embarrassed. They weren't supposed to find out yet, not like this."

I understood where he was coming from. We had a whole plan on how we wanted to tell them and all of that was thrown out the window in a matter of minutes.

"At least they didn't walk in ten minutes later. That would have been even worse"

"Oh my god I don't even wanna imagine the look on Jeongin's face, or Chan's, if he had walked in on us. All of us have been caught in embarrassing situations before but I think that would take the cake." Seungmin laughed, an absolutely absurd sounding laugh, at the thought of that. A smile came to my face the moment I heard the sound. He spends too much time in his own head, it's so easy for him to get worked up over things that won't matter in a week.

"I'm honestly kinda glad they found out on their own. I was kinda tired of sneaking around." Seungmin's face flashed hurt for a second and I immediately knew he took what I said the wrong way and had to clarify, "That's not a knock at you or our relationship. I love you and being your girlfriend had been something I dreamed of since middle school. But sometimes I just wanted to be your girlfriend around our friends and family and not just when we're alone."

He nodded, understanding where I was coming from. I reached for his hand, squeezing it gently and earning a lighthearted and warm smile.

"You wanted to date me since middle school?"

"Shut up."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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