When You Thought You Couldn't Have Kids / Seo Changbin

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Disclaimer: None of the medical stuff related to the car crash and Y/N's possibility of not being able to have kids is based on fact, I completely made it up for story purposes :)

Originally Posted: November 9th, 2022 on Instagram

The doctors had told me I couldn't have kids. And that was something that I had learned to accept. Injuries I had sustained in a car accident as a teenager had done significant amounts of damage to my abdomen, pelvis, and internal organs. I was very fortunate to have survived at all but I was still dealing with the effects almost ten years later at the age of twenty five.

Changbin and I had a discussion about having kids early on in our relationship and luckily both of us agreed that if we couldn't conceive, when we were ready to have kids, that we would adopt. We had been married for almost three years when we decided we wanted to start a family but almost two years after we started trying we still haven't succeeded. It was disheartening but it was something we had come to terms with.

It was early in the morning, maybe five, when I woke up absolutely sick to my stomach. This had been going on for about a week, I had been violently sick at varying points of the day. I thought it was food poisoning originally but I was starting to think it was something more serious and I should see a doctor.

I got myself cleaned up and went back to sleep for a little bit before scheduling myself an appointment. Luckily Changbin had already gone to the studio for the day and I wouldn't have him fussing over me and making a big deal out of this.

"So you thought you had food poisoning?" The doctor asked once I was in her office. I nodded.

"Yes, but it's not going away. I was wondering if it may be something else."

"Okay, we'll run some tests and hopefully we can figure out what's causing this mystery illness."

And so we ran the tests. I spent most of the morning in the doctors office waiting for test results. Finally the doctor came back in carrying a file and a smile was on her face. She sat down in front of me and gave me a wide smile.

"Congratulations Y/N, you're pregnant!" Tears welled up in my eyes and I let out a gasp, "I'll schedule an appointment for you that way we can make sure the baby is healthy and we'll, you enjoy the rest of your day!"

I couldn't believe it: I was actually pregnant. I had given up any hope that this would happen so to actually have a doctor tell me that when we weren't even trying anymore was very surreal. I couldn't wait to tell Changbin when he got home that evening. I quickly went out and bought a cute little onesie and painted it to say something cheesy on it that way I could package it up and give it to him as a surprise later that night.

I had a rough guess at when he would be home so I made a nice dinner for the two of us. I had just finished cooking and plating everything when Changbin got home. I quickly rushed to greet him at the door and immediately hugged him as soon as I saw him.

"Well, someone is happy to see me." He chuckled and hugged me back. I placed a long kiss on his lips and smiled.
"I made dinner, come eat with me!" I lead him into the dining room and he looked at the setup in awe.

"Y/N, you didn't have to do all this. I thought you weren't feeling good?" He looked at me in concern and gave a small pout. I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face.
"I feel much better today. Please Bin, eat with me!"

We enjoyed each other's company over the dinner that I had prepared: Changbin told me about his day at work and I listened with a content smile on my face. When we had finished, Changbin was about to go finish up some work in his studio when I stopped him.

"Sit, please, I have something for you." I say him down in the chair I had previously been occupying and instructed him to close him eyes and wait.

"Y/N, I swear if this is another attempt to get 'experimental' I'm just gonna laugh. We already decided it's not for us." He joked about an incident from a few months ago where I tried to add some 'spice' to our sex life. I laughed at the memory.

"No, it's not that. Just keep you eyes closed." I retrieved the gift box containing everything from its hiding spot in the hallway closet. I made Changbin hold out his hands and placed the box on his open palms. He opened his eyes and stared at the box with a suspicious look on his face.

"Open it!" He eyed me and eyed the box again before taking of the lid and picking up the onesie and other baby related items inside.

"Y/N," he sounded confused,"what is all this?"

"Baby clothes!"

"That much is obvious, but why? We don't have a baby?"

"Yes we do!"

"Where? Cause I don't see one in this box?"

I sighed, he could be so dense sometimes. I stepped closer to him and took one of his hands and pressed his palm to my stomach.

"Right here Bin..."

He stared at his hand against my stomach and then at me, with tears in his eyes, as he finally understood what was happening. His body shook when his breath caught in his throat, his bottom lip trembled, and tears began to cascade down his face. He didn't waste a second and wrapped his arms around my hips, pulling me closer to him and resting his forehead against my stomach. He rolled up the fabric of my tee shirt and placed soft kisses against my skin as he cried. My hands found themselves gently running through his messy curls as I cried with him.

"I thought you couldn't have kids?" His teary eyes met mine as he questioned how this came to be.
"The doctors said it would be extremely difficult, not that it was entirely out of the question. It was a small chance but we're lucky enough that it happened."

He smiled and kissed my stomach once more, "very lucky indeed, my love."

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