Finding Out You're Pregnant / Kim Seungmin

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Originally Posted: October 6th, 2022 on Instagram

Nobody ever prepared me for how hard it is, mentally and physically, on your body when trying to conceive. How emotionally draining it was to see just one line on the test every single month. Going to doctor appointment after doctor appointment, swearing that something is wrong with you but always being told everything's fine.

Seungmin and I had been trying to get pregnant again for almost two years but nothing was working. We had accidentally conceived around two years ago and we were excited but shocked when we found out. Fate was not on our side though: we got in a car accident close to the second trimester and I lost the baby. Both is took it very hard, but we got through it together. After a long conversation six months after the crash we both decided that we were ready to be parents and decided to try for real.

We've done all the research and had done everything we could think of that would help but nothing. It would've been easy to blame it on one of us or both of us being infertile but the doctors said all of our tests came back normal. People just kept telling us, "you'll get pregnant if you're meant to get pregnant." I was sick of hearing it.

I stood in front of the mirror, tears were pooling in the corners of my eyes saw myself struggling to button my pants in the mirror. I didn't realize that I had been putting on so much weight recently, probably a side effect of stress.

I stormed out of the bedroom and started to head for the laundry room to look for another pair of pants that hopefully would fit. Seungmin was sitting on the couch, drinking his coffee and looking over lyrics for a new song he was working on.

"Good morning baby!" He called but I didn't respond, I was too busy looking for pants. As soon as I found another pair I went back into the bedroom and started to change again. This pair was worse than the ones I had on before, I couldn't even get them up past my thighs. I was trying everything I could to try and get them on but it was pointless.

"FUCK!" I cursed and threw the pants across the room, they hit the wall next to the door right as Seungmin was opening it. His eyes widened at the sudden outburst and he momentarily froze.

"What's going on in here?"


I was completely hysterical, tears had washed away any makeup that I had put on and snot was starting to run from my nose. Seungmin just stared at me in absolute horror, not sure how to handle my erratic behavior. I couldn't blame him, I didn't even know how to handle it.

"Okay," he walked toward me, "why don't you show me what you mean."
He handed me the pair of jeans I had violently thrown at him moments ago. I put them back on and explained to him how I couldn't get them over my thighs or how the other pair wouldn't button without cutting into my skin. He stood behind me and examined my silhouette from every angle; front, back, and sides.

I turned to him for answers and saw that he was ghostly pale and staring at me.
"Minnie, what's wrong?" He was worrying me with how he was looking at me.
I walked towards him and cupped his face, bringing it up to look at me. He immediately wrapped his hands around my wrists and stared me dead in the eyes.

"When was the last time you had a period?"

My heart sank as I tried to think of an answer to his question. I genuinely couldn't remember. He must have seen that in my eyes because he quickly dragged me into the bathroom and began rummaging through our cabinets until he found a box of pregnancy tests that we had bought a few months prior. He handed me one and I shook my head.

" I can't do this."
I started to walk away but he grabbed me by my wrist.
"Y/n, please."

"No! I can't stand to see another negative test! I won't do it!" I started sobbing and Seungmin let go of me gently. His expression softened and he took a step towards me, gently cupping my face and moving it.

"Love, I need you to trust me right now. I know that you're discouraged, I am too. It's exhausting to try this long and get absolutely no where. I want, more than anything else, to give you a child: to give you the life we've dreamed of. I know that it's hard, but I need you to trust me right now. Please."

Seungmin wiped the tears from my eyes as he desperately pleaded with me. I mulled his words over in my head for a second before I reached down and took the test from his hand. A gentle smile graced his lips and he pecked my forehead before leaving me in the bathroom.

Five minutes feels like an eternity when the result of a test can permanently change your life. Seungmin had came back into the bathroom after I had started the timer. He now sat on the edge of the bathtub, holding my hand tight in his. It was silent. Neither one of us dared to speak a word. The timer on my phone was the only thing that could be heard.

Our eyes met and I silently pleaded with him to look at the result for me. He nodded in understanding and approached the counter with me.

"No matter what that test says," Seungmin broke the silence, "I want you to know that I love you. And we will get through it together."

He picked up the test with a shaking hand and examined the little display screen. His breathing hitched in his chest and his hand squeezed mine tight. Seungmin turned to me with a huge smile plastered on his face and pulled me into loving embrace as he sobbed tears of joy. I was started hysterically crying and holding onto him like this moment would disappear if I let go of him.

"We did it love!" Seungmin whispered next to my ear. He pulled back just enough to place a soft, loving hand gently on the skin of my stomach. I placed my own hand over his and used my other hand to guide his face towards mine. A gentle but passionate kiss was shared between us in this perfect moment. When we pulled away, we were both out of breath but it didn't matter. We were in a state of pure bliss.

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