Wanting a Baby / Bang Chan 18+

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Originally Posted: August 16th, 2021 on Instagram
Rewritten: July 1st, 2023 on Instagram

The cool air of the the autumn evening made sent a shiver down my spine as I stood on the balcony of Chan and I's apartment. The view absolutely beautiful as it overlooked the park across the street, the laughter of the children playing make believe making a smile come to my face.

"Cute." I thought to myself as I watched a little girl, no older than four, play with with father in the sandbox. I couldn't stop imagining my husband playing with our future children like that father was playing with his daughter.

Both of us knew very early in our relationship that we wanted children, but both of us agreed not until we were married. It had been almost two years since our wedding and the topic of children hadn't come up in that two years. I was more than ready, but I didn't know if Chan was as ready as I was. Would he be scared at the idea of having them now? Would he support my decision?

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear the sliding door open behind me, but the moment that Chan's hands held my hips a smile came to my face:

"Hey." He buried his face in my neck, pressing soft kisses to the exposed skin. He had just gotten home from work, his jacket and cap were still on and his laptop bag was still slung over his shoulder, "Missed you today."

He had been clingier than usual lately, constantly having to have his hands on me. It was a phase that was taking me by surprise, but I loved it nonetheless.

I turned in his hold to face him, hands coming to cup his cheeks, "Missed you too. Have you eaten yet?"

He nodded, "The boys and I all grabbed dinner after rehearsal a couple hours ago. Had to go back to the studio to finish some things up otherwise I would've been home earlier."

He paused for a moment and glanced past me towards the park, I could see it on his face that he had something he wanted to say, but it quickly disappeared and he opted to give me a soft smile instead:

"I'm gonna go shower." He gave me a chaste kiss before walking back inside. I followed and watched as he put his stuff down and gathered everything for his shower. I wanted to ask him about it but I didn't know how to approach the topic.

Making myself comfy on the bed, I let out a sigh, overthinking everything in my head. Was this the right time for us to be having children? Chan's career was just starting to gain momentum, would starting a family get in the way? What would happen when he goes on tours? What would his fans think? they didn't know about the marriage but it would be inevitable that we would have to tell them we were expecting a baby, would they accept it?

"You're stressed." Chan pointed out as he walked out of the bathroom, hair still dripping as he tried to pat it dry with the towel. He sat down on the edge of the bed and gestured for me to come with. I stood in front of him and took the towel from his hands, taking over drying his hair.

"I don't know why you don't let me take care of your curls." I mumbled.

Chan chuckled lightly and ran a thumb in small circles on my waist, "my hair is so damaged I don't think it would matter at this point." 

He relaxed into my touch, pulling me onto his lap and resting his head in the space between my shoulder and my neck, moving the collar of my shirt to press gentle kisses to the exposed skin. My hands tugged gently at the back of his hair, damp locks twisted gently between my fingers. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and a shiver fluttered over my skin at the gentle touches of his lips on the warm skin.

"Chris..." I let out a breathy moan of his name as he started to pull on the hem of my shirt up, finger tips lightly running up my sides as he did so. My arms lifted and, in turn, Chan pulled my shirt from my body and tossed in into the far corner of our bedroom, leaving the top half of my body completely bare to him. Chan reattached his lips to my mine gently and fluidly and despite the fact he had exposed me to him, he made sure not to touch above my waist without my permission first.

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