Getting Caught Making Out / Han Jisung

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Originally Posted: October 19th, 2022 on Instagram

"Knock knock!" I opened up the studio door and found my boyfriend, Han Jisung, sitting at the multi-monitor computer set up. His hair was all messy like he had been messing with it out of frustration and his eyes had huge dark circles under them. He looked absolutely exhausted and that observation was further backed by the absurd amount of empty iced Americano cup and energy drink cans that were littered across the desk. It was almost midnight and Jisung had left for work before the sun had come up that day, I doubt he had seen any sunlight or knew what time it even was.

I stood in the doorway for a moment and observed him as he was deeply concentrated on his work in front of him, paying no attention to the fact that he was no longer alone in the room. I approached him slowly and moved one side of the headphones from his ear, gaining his attention.

"Y/N, how long have you been here?"

He paused the track that was blaring from the askew headphones and took them completely off.

"Not long," I walked around to the couch, "I just wanted to bring you a snack since it's late and I'm sure you haven't had much to each all day."

"I have too!" He tried to protest but the sudden rumbling of his stomach gave him away and he turned bright red in the face as he was caught in his lies. I giggled lightly as how cute he was.

"Thanks for caring so much, but Chan and Changbin just left to go pick us up something to eat. The left me here to keep fixing stuff." He sighed and gestured towards the computer behind him.

"Come over here and sit with me," I patted the seat beside me on the couch, "relax a little bit."

Jisung looked hesitant for a moment; I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to take a moment and rest but he also wanted to finish the track. If there was one thing I would always admire about Jisung, it's how hard working and passionate he is when it comes to music. His face softened as he got up from the desk chair and made his way to sit next to me on the couch.

As soon as Jisung sat down it was like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders and a sigh of relief left his lips. He rested his head against my shoulder and as I ran my fingers gently through his hair he started to relax and melt into my touch. Jisung started leaving soft kisses on the crook of my neck and I tried to keep my breathing as steady as possible, the last thing I wanted was for him to focus on making me feel good. It was starting to feel too good and I moved his head so he was looking at me.

Jisung momentarily looked annoyed with me but that quickly disappeared and he went on to latch his lips onto mine. My brain turned fuzzy and I couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of Jisung's lips molded with mine. He deepened and he'd my face in one hand while the other gently squeezed the top of my thigh. My resolve was quickly tumbling down.

"Y/N," he begged between kisses, "let me, please."

His eyes desperately searched mine for approval and though I couldn't make out words I still have him a small nod of approval. Jisung quickly leaned me back against the couch and hovered over me, careful not to put his whole weight on me and risk hurting me. He left kisses all over my face and started moving down to place them on my neck and my partially exposed collar bones. My fingers tangled themselves in his hair and lightly tugged at it causing him to let out a throaty moan.

"I needed this, needed you." He whispered in contentment against my skin. I hummed in agreement as he went back to littering my skin with his marks. We were so wrapped up in each other than we didn't hear the studio door open.

"OH MY GOD!" Chan's voice echoed through the small space and Jisung was quick to jump up and scoot as far away from me as possible. Him and I both turned red in the face as Chan and Changbin stared at us in horror.

"C'mon man I sleep on that couch sometimes!" Changbin set down the food on the desk and continued to gripe under his breath. Jisung and I exchanged embarrassed looks with each other and I quickly got up.

"I'm going home...goodnight!" I didn't even give Jisung a kiss goodbye or tell the other two bye, I just booked it out of there. As soon as I got home I changed and screamed into my pillow out of embarrassment. About an hour later, Jisung came home and quickly found me in the bedroom.

"Well we're never gonna live that down." He curled up next to me in bed and wrapped me up in his arms.
"No, no we are not."

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