Proposing After an Argument / Bang Chan

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Originally Posted: March 28th 2020 on Instagram
Rewritten: May 21st, 2023 on Instagram

P.O.V Chan
A mix anger and concern ran through my mind as I stared blankly at the door to Y/N and I's apartment. I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me that she was late, because it did, it bothered me a lot. She promised, she promised me that she would be home in time for our date. I had been so busy over the last year, between touring and preparing for our comebacks, that it had been hard for us to spend any quality time together.

Guilt occupied every corner of my mind as I rushed through the hallway of the apartment building, digging through my purse to find my keys. I had made Chan a promise that I would be home before seven for our date, but now I was almost two hours late. I had been out to a late lunch with an old friend from college and completely lost track of time as we caught up with each other. I hoped that Chan would forgiving and understanding of the situation but I wouldn't blame him if he was upset with me.

Upon opening the door to our apartment I was met with a very cross looking Chan. He was still dressed in his white button down shirt and black skinny jeans, his hair was tousled like it had been gelled but then messed with out of anxiety, a beautiful bouquet of roses and baby's breath laid in front of him on the coffee table. My stomach dropped as our eyes met and he said nothing, he did nothing.

"Chan, I'm-"
"You're late." His voice was calm and steady, and somehow that was worse than him yelling at me, "You promised you would be home before seven, it's almost nine."

"I'm sorry, Jae and I lost track of time. I meant to call you when I left but my phone had died."

He stood and began walking towards the kitchen with the bouquet. I followed behind him and watched as he filled a vase with water and put the flowers in it.

"Chan, please talk to me."
"Forget it Y/N, we'll just reschedule to my next day off." He grumbled as he sulked into our bedroom.

I caught up with him and grabbed his hand gently:

"Baby, please talk to me. I don't want to go to bed with you upset with me!"

He shook me off and quickly turned around to face me. The calm demeanor was gone and now he was just angry.

"You wanna talk? Fine! Let's talk! This was the first day off I've had in months and I wanted to spend it with you, my girlfriend! But you blew me off for another guy and I couldn't get ahold of you!"

"And I'm sorry! I wasn't trying to blow you off. Please don't be jealous, you have no reason to be."

He heaved out a dry chuckle:

"I am not jealous!"

"Then what is this?" I didn't mean to yell, but I did, "I want to work this out with you! Please!"

"You scared the shit out of me Y/N! I was so worried when I couldn't get ahold of you! Anything could have happened! So forgive me for being concerned when the woman I love and want to marry is late for our date and not responding to anything!"

Both of us had tears staining our cheeks. I stood with my feet frozen to the floor while Chan paced around the room, a hand running through his hair. He finally settled, sitting on the edge of our bed, staring at me.

"Can we just...can we just go to sleep, please? Let's go to sleep and forget about this." He sniffled, wiping the tears from his cheeks. Chan met my eyes but I stayed frozen, still trying to decide what he meant.

"Do you mean it?"

Chan looked at me absolutely dumbfounded that I would ask him that:

"Yes! I'm tired and-" "No! Not that! You said you want to marry me."

His eyes went wide as I confronted him with what he had said. Chan stood from the bed, walking across the room and taking my hands in his own. My heart hammered against my chest as he spoke:

"I love you, Y/N, more than anything. You bring out the best in me and I want to be with you for the rest of our lives. I want to grow old with you, have a family with you. I know that I'm not perfect; I'm gone a lot, I get overprotective and jealous. But I hope that you can see past that, see the man who loves you more than anything, because I do love you and I want to marry you."

Tears welled in my eyes at his heartfelt confession:

"This wasn't the romantic proposal I had planned but will you marry me?"

I nodded my head and a smile stretched across my face, "Yes! Yes, Chan, I will marry you!"

Chan cupped my cheeks and gently pressed his lips against mine in a tender and sweet kiss. Upon pulling away, he walked over to his dresser, pulling a small box out of the top drawer. Chan pulled a ring from the box and slipped it onto my finger before kissing the back of my hand.

"I love you so much Y/N."
"I love you to Chan."

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