Realizing He Loves You / Hwang Hyunjin

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Originally Posted: January 2nd, 2023 on Instagram

P.O.V Hyunjin
Love was an abstract concept to me. Something that was glorified in painting and literature as this all-consuming emotion, to some it's a beautiful thing to be worshipped but to others it's terrifying and is the greatest weakness for a person. I had yet to discover how I felt about it, I had never been in love before, or at least I didn't think I had.

"Hyunjin," My best friend, Y/N whined from beside me, "Can we please watch something else? This is so boring."

We had been hanging out for a couple of hours now, and Y/N had lost the game of rock paper scissors to decide what we were going to watch. I chose a documentary film about a famous artist, she wanted to watch a romance movie. The film had barely started before Y/N was begging me to change it.

"Nope, I won fair and square.  We can watch yours next." 

She groaned in annoyance beside me and bruised her nose back into her phone, still muttering annoyed comments from under her breath. I rolled my eyes, but internally chuckled  in amusement over how passionate she was about changing it.

Y/N and I had been friends for as long as I can remember, our moms had been really close in their youth and we ended up becoming friends as a result, we had been there for each other through everything throughout the years. I couldn't even begin to imagine my life without her in it.

Around halfway through the film I noticed that Y/N had been oddly quiet for a while. I glanced quickly in her direction and saw her asleep, her phone had dropped to her lap along with her hand and her head hung so her hair was in her face. I bit back a laugh as I paused the movie.

Reaching over, I gently shook her shoulder and called her name over and over again, she took me by complete surprise when she turned, curling up into my body and holding onto my arm.

My entire body went completely still, my cheeks and tips of my ears felt overwhelmingly hot, and my stomach felt like a million butterflies had taken flight and had no intention of slowing down. The sound of my own heartbeat roared in my ears and for a brief moment I was terrified that it would wake her.

I started to take notice of all the delicate intricacies of her face, she was gorgeous, an absolute work of art. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I don't know if it was the soft lighting of my living room or the peaceful expression on her face, but she looked almost angelic as she slept. Had she always been this beautiful? Why was I just now seeing it? 

The touch of her hands felt cold against the heated skin of my arm and I quickly looked around a found a blanket and threw it over the two of us. I no longer cared about the documentary or anything else, I just cared about letting her sleep and keeping her safe while she did so.

I don't know how to describe exactly what I was feeling towards her: I wanted to protect her, to be with her for eternity, to give her the world and everything in it. I could only imagine that what I feel for her is love, the all-consuming emotion in its most basic state, and to me it was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. I couldn't stand the thought of ever losing her, she's far to important to me, but deep in my heart something told me I never would. She was going to be by my side for a very long time, and I was more than okay with that.

I reached over with my free hand and moved a stray strand of hair from her face, a gentle smile on my face. There was no doubt in my mind, I was absolutely, positively, without a doubt in love with her.

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