You Wake Up and He Isn't There / Seo Changbin

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Originally Posted: October 31st, 2022 on Instagram

I woke as light filtered in through the curtains that covered my bedroom windows. A dull ache had settled into my inner thighs as a result of the previous nights activities. A warm flush danced across my cheeks as images of what Changbin and I had done danced through my head.

It was vivid in my head: the two of us tangled with one another, hot breaths fanning across skin that was sticky with sweat, lips just barley hovering over where they were needed most but never giving the full satisfaction that one needed.

I looked to the other side of the bed, hoping to see my boyfriend sleeping peacefully beside me, but that wasn't the case. Instead I was met with not only emptiness but that side had been completely made up, like nobody had even slept there to begin with.

"Bin?" I called out. I held my breath as I waited for a response, hoping that he had just gone to the bathroom or something. After not receiving an answer, I quickly found a tee shirt that Changbin had left here a few days prior and my panties that had been discarded and thrown across the room the night before.

I crept through the hallway of my apartment slowly, listening for any noise that would provide proof that someone else was in the apartment with me, but I heard nothing except the sound of my own heartbeat in my ears. Besides me it was completely empty, the only sign that he had been here were the bruises that painted my neck and chest and the ache in my muscles.

I rushed back into my bedroom and searched for my phone as my heart began to pound in my chest. A roar echoed in my ears as I texted him to ask where he was. I was impatient and after a few seconds I tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. There was no way this was happening.

Everyone had warned me not to get involved with him. They said he would only break my heart. That he would bail as soon as we slept together. Despite everything I still chose to give him a chance but I had insisted we take things slow. He was always so sweet and gentle, he didn't pressure me into doing things I was wasn't ready for. There was no way he could be like everyone said he was....right?

"Good morning, I got-" Changbin's voice echoed through the room, "Y/N! Are you okay?"

I had been too consumed by the horrid thoughts that plagued my mind to heart him walk in. Changbin had set down whatever he had come in with and was now kneeling on the floor in front of me. He cupped my cheeks in his large hands and began wiping the tears that streamed down my face.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" His tone was soft and gentle, and his face was one of pure concern which made me start crying even harder. I couldn't control myself as I messily threw my arms around his neck, pulling him completely against me in a tight embrace; like he would disappear if I let go of him.

"You weren't here!" I sobbed into his neck. Changbin's arms encircled my waist and he traced soft circles on my lower back.
"I went to get breakfast from that bakery you like, I didn't think it was going to take me as long as it did. I didn't mean to scare you."

"I thought you left me!"
"I'm sorry for doubting you!"
"Y/N, hey, we can worry about that later. Right now I need you to breathe."

I inhaled a shaky breath and finally started to get my flurry of emotions under control. My eyes finally met Changbin's and immediately his expression softened at my teary-eyed state.

"Now," he began, "would you like to tell me why you're so upset?"

An embarrassed heat burned my cheeks, "I thought that you had left me. I thought that everyone was right and that you were only toying with me until we had sex."

I was ashamed to admit it out loud, especially seeing the hurt expression that shadowed over him.

"Y/N I would never to do that to anyone, especially not you. I'm sorry if I gave you that impression and that other people did too." He sounded on the verge of tears and my heart ached. I didn't want him to feel bad because of some rumors that people had told me.

"No, I'm the one who should apologize. We've been together for almost a year and I still let some baseless rumors let me make a snap judgement about you. I should know better, you've proven time and time again that you're not how everyone perceived you. I'm truly sorry Changbin, I shouldn't had more faith in you. I hope you can forgive me..."

He pulled me into another tight hug and pressed kisses to my temple, "It's okay baby, I forgive you."
We both smiled at each other once we broke our embrace. Changbin stood and walked over to my dresser to grab the bag from the bakery and two coffees that he had brought with him.

"I wanted to surprise you and wake you up with breakfast but the bakery was really busy. I was going to call you and let you know where I was but my phone died last night and I didn't have a charger." He handed me my favorite pastry and coffee, "I was just trying to be romantic after last night. Guess my plan kinda backfired."

My heart softened and a sweet smile make an appearance on my face, "Bin, that's so sweet!"
He was beaming from ear to ear and his cheeks lit up light pink.

"I wanted to make sure that our first time was a good experience for you."
"Oh trust me, it was."

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