Finding Out You're Pregnant / Lee Felix

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Originally Posted: May 19th, 2021 on Instagram
Rewritten: July 9th, 2023 on Instagram

My blood was heavy and chilled in my veins, hands shaking as I held the positive pregnancy test between my fingers.

"This can't be happening." I whispered to myself, my mind absolutely reeling from shock. I didn't know what to think, because the only thing I could think of was how Felix would react.

We had not been together very long, our one year just passing a couple weeks ago. We had never talked about children or marriage or if we even had a serious future together. Felix was also an idol, there was no telling how his fans, the members, or the company would react to the sudden news.

"Babe? You in here?" Felix's voice echoed from the living room of my apartment. He was known for his surprise visits, but the positive pregnancy test in my hand did nothing but make me fee nauseous at the thought of seeing him. I heard his footsteps approaching the hall and quickly stashed the test into a drawer, washing my hands before going out to greet him.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stumbled over my words as Felix pulled me in by my waist, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I was in the neighborhood and was thinking about how much I miss you and decided to do something about it." Felix messed with the hem of my tee shirt, twirling the fabric between his fingers. I felt my stomach sink and I slowly detangled his fingers from the fabric. The anxiety bubbled in my chest, making me feel horribly sick. Felix's face dropped and he looked at me like a kicked puppy.

"Sorry," I apologized, feeling bad seeing Felix with that hurt look, "I just don't feel good right now."

"Do I need to take you to the doctor?"  Felix's concern was heartwarming but I could not let him do that.

"There's no need. I'm sure it's just allergies and I'll be fine." I tried to reassure, but the slight panic in my voice made Felix look at me confused.
"Okay? If you're sure?" He seemed hesitant to drop the matter, but did so anyways. "Anyways, since I'm here, can we have a movie night? I promise no funny business!"

I gave him a little chuckle and nodded in agreement with his suggestion. We quickly settled into the couch with a bowl of popcorn, a comfy blanket across us as we watched the comedy movie Felix had picked out for us. The movie was about this man who had a child he didn't know about, and the child randomly showed up at his apartment one day. I looked up at Felix as he laughed at a scene where the kid flooded the apartment with bubbles and decided to bring up the conversation:

"Do you think you would ever want kids?"

His face turned serious as he though over the question, casing anxiety to chill the blood in my veins, but his face softened a little bit as he shrugged his shoulder:

"Maybe someday when I'm a bit older, but right now my career is just taking off. I don't think I can see myself having children right now or in the near future."  He answered nonchalantly, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth. I pretended to agree with him but internally I was panicking, my entire world felt like it was crashing down, but there was one thing I knew for sure and it's that I could not tell him right now.

Two Months Later
Two months had gone by and Felix still did not know about my pregnancy. I wanted to tell him, truly I did, but I couldn't find the right way to tell him after our conversation on the couch. I was worried about how he would react: would he be mad?

I was supposed to be going to the dorms to hang out with Felix. I had been over a few times but it wasn't often that I went over because Felix and I could have more privacy at  my apartment.

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