First Anniversary / Hwang Hyunjin

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Originally Posted: April 1st, 2023 on Instagram

No matter how many time I woke up next to Hyunjin, I would forever have butterflies in my stomach. It had been five years since we had started dating and one year of being married and I still wasn't used to it. Hyunjin is the early riser between the two of us, everyday I would wake up and he would be reading, watching Netflix, or just cuddling me in complete silence, and today was no different.

I shifted around on the mattress and opened my eyes to see my husband sitting up beside me. He was reading a book he had bought on our outing from the night before, it was an autobiography of a famous artist:

"I'll kiss you good morning as soon as I finish this chapter, I'm almost done." He promised without even looking at me. I laughed at his investment in the book and laid my head on his chest, waiting for him to finish. A couple of seconds later he closed the book, using his thumb as a placeholder, and leaned over to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Good morning love."

"Morning Hyune."

We both sat up, Hyunjin placed his book on the nightstand and I clutches the sheet to my bare chest:

"How long have you been up?" I asked through a yawn.

Hyunjin stood from the bed, stretched out, and walked over to our closet:

"Couple of hours. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't."

He grabbed one of his shirts and a pair of my shorts and walked back over to me, he hands them to me and places a kiss on my forehead. I smiled at the soft gesture and pulled on the clothes as he headed for the bedroom door.

"I'll get breakfast started, you take all the time you need for yourself.

And so I did. I was able to grab a quick shower and do my skincare routine while Hyunjin whipped up some delicious pancakes. Breakfast was delicious and we ate together in comfortable silence, we didn't get to eat breakfast together often, but when we did we used it as an opportunity to just enjoy each other's presence. It was always nice to not have a compulsive need to fill silence with chatter.

Hyunjin and I had got out the night before to celebrate our the first anniversary of our marriage. It was a day early but both of us felt it was better to be together the day of without feeling like it needed to be some grand spectacle, it could be just the two of us in marital bliss. Despite the celebration the night before, I had yet to give Hyunjin his gift, unlike him, who had given me a beautiful bracelet before going out to dinner.

"I need you to go sit on the couch and close your eyes, please." I instructed him as we finished tidying up the kitchen. Hyunjin's brow knitted together in confusion, but he didn't voice his concerns and did as I asked. I quickly retrieved his gift from the hallway closet and carried it to him.

"Okay, open your eyes!"

He looked at the various sizes of blank canvases stacked on our coffee table and the sleek, dark, wooden carrying case with awe:

"Happy Anniversary Hyune!"

His eyes met mine and I was overjoyed to see the excitement they contained. He picked up the carrying case and unlocked it, taking a peek inside, he saw the set of expensive watercolor paints and new brushed he had been wanting for a long time. 

"Y/N, these are gorgeous! Thank you so much!"

After thanking me and giving me a hug, Hyunjin quickly set up his easel in our living room. I made myself busy on my laptop on the couch while he worked on a new painting. Most of the day flew right by and soon enough it was time to start dinner.

I stood from the couch with a stretch, having set my computer off to the side, and watched Hyunjin as he focused intently on his painting.

"Whatcha working on?" I started to walk over to take a peek at his latest creation but he quickly shooed me away.

"You can't look! Not till it's done!" He was very adamant in his tone that I did not see whatever was on the canvas. I put my hands up and quickly made myself scarce.

"Hyunjin, dinner's ready!" I called for my husband as I finished dishing out our plates. A few moments later he came into the kitchen, paint covering his hands, he took the plate from my hands set it on the counter beside me.  Gently, his hands met my waist and he pulled me close to him, placing a long and tender kiss on my lips. 

A hot blush flooded my cheeks and I broke the kiss:

"What was that for?"

He smiled like a devil.

"Cause I love you."

After eating and cleaning up, Hyunjin grabbed my hand and lead me into the living room, sitting me down on the couch:

"You wanted to know what I was working on." He was still grinning from ear to ear as I nodded in confirmation. Hyunjin carefully turned his easel around and what I saw made my heart stop.

A clear portrait of what looked like our bedroom with the main focus being a sleeping woman. Her back was to the the viewer and she was completely exposed side from a sheet draped across her lower body. You couldn't see her face at all but I knew who it was supposed to be.

"You've always told me to paint something beautiful, something that's worth loving, so I did." Hyunjin spoke softly and shuffled in his place. My heart fluttered and I quickly stood from the couch, crossing the room to embrace him tightly.

"I love you," I kissed his cheek, "so much."

His arms wrapped around my waist:

"I love you too. More than anything."

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