Sweet Anna

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"You look horrible though" the dark haired guy said releasing Vee from his grasp.

"Leon" Vee breathed out. She couldn't believe he was here.

Leon Hartman had been Vienna's best friend ever since she was born. He was about four years old when she was born and she couldn't imagine another companion at that time apart from him. Their families were neighbors so they spent everyday together, bathing, playing, eating, literally everything. He had protected her from everyone while she was still a toddler, he wouldn't even let her own mother scold her when she proved stubborn. In high school no one dared come to trouble her, even then, after he had graduated, guys still kept their lips shut when it came to her. That was how tight they were. But everything changed when the Hartmans moved to New York during Leon's college days. That was the last time she saw him... seven years ago.

They still kept in touch throughout those years; texting, calling and sending photos. Gosh he didn't look anything like his photos. He looked better! Far better!

"Leon!" As if she finally realized herself, Vee wrapped him in her arms. He had promised to come for her graduation but she didn't actually think he was serious. Atleast one good thing had happened to her this day.

Camy looked in confusion at the two as she tried to remember where she had seen or heard this name from. Then she remembered how Vienna always talked about her first crush and childhood friend. She had only seen his teenage pictures because Vee felt too over protective to show her his current pictures. But she knew this was him. The resemblance was key, he hadn't even changed that much.

Camy smirked coming to a conclusion that maybe Vee was not yet over this guy, seeing the way she was hugging him. Atleast he would make her forget Easton.

"Ehem!" Camy coughed to get their attention and Vienna immediately released Leon.

"Hey" Camy said as she walked towards Leon while still smirking at Vienna. "I'm Camy, you must be..." Camy paused pretending not to recall his name that Vee had said just 2 minutes ago.

"Leon" Leon answered taking Camy's hand in his. "I've heard alot about you Camy."

"Aww! Vee told you about me!? And here I was thinking that Vee was just being a jealous girlfriend by not showing me your pictures"

Vienna's eyes widened in horror at Camy's statement. If looks could kill Camy would be roasted meat.

"And you must be Phina" Leon moved towards Phina who looked lost at all that was happening.

"Hey" Phina took his outstretched hand.

"Why are you at home?" Leon asked turning back to Vienna.

"It's a long story." Camy chipped in. "But we were just getting ready to go out. You should join us to celebrate" Before Leon could answer, Camy was already pushing him out the room door. "We'll be out in a jiff" she shut the door and turned to Vienna with a wide smile.

"Vee!" She shrieked. "Leon? Like the Leon" she emphasized on the 'the'. She then wiggled her eyebrows smirking again. "He's a hot piece of cake"

"Who's Leon?" Phina asked still confused.

"Oh he's the one and only future husband of our sweet Vee here" Camy answered hugging Vienna excitedly.

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