Look Alike

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Vienna and Leon were tangled together in bed. She was wrapped in his arms as he used his hand to move some strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Anna" he called.

Her heart fluttered. His husky voice sent shivers down her spine. "Yes" she whispered avoiding his gaze.

"Anna" he said, softer than the first time and he used a finger to raise her chin so she could meet his eyes. "Look at me Anna"

Vienna almost melted. She was beginning to like this name he called her. "Yes Leon" she stared in his eyes.

He kissed her cheeks, her nose, her eyes, underneath her ear, every part of her face except her lips.

"Mmm Leon" Vee moaned softly. "Please"

He stopped his torturous and devilish acts and looked at her with a smile. "Do you want me to kiss you here?" He asked kissing her forehead.

She kept quiet. He kept asking her the same question, kissing all over her face and avoiding her lips, making her writh in pleasurable pain. When he felt like he had tortured her enough he slightly brushed his lips against hers.

"Mmm... yes" Vee answered before he could ask the question.

And then his lips met hers. They weren't how she expected but it was delicious all the same. As the kiss got deeper, she tried to push her tongue into Leon's mouth but something was blocking her.

What is this? She licked it with her tongue, hoping it would disappear but it still stayed. She kept using her tongue to poke at the obstacle, trying to pass through it so her tongue could finally have its way. Suddenly the lips disappeared and when her eyes opened, she met a hand infront of her mouth.

With wide eyes she stood up from the bed to see Leon looking shocked at her.

'Oh no! What have I done?'

Her brain tried to process what had happened. Did she talk while sleeping? Was that why Leon was looking so shocked. Oh no! He heard all the things she said! Her face was as red as a tomato as she thought about what Leon would say about her dream.

Even when he had asked her questions, the answers just came out, she didn't know what she was saying. But then hearing him asking who it was in her dream and saying how he would want to sleep with her every night so he could have a free kiss in the morning, she realized... maybe he didn't hear her after all.

She looked at him, "Um it was just a dream. You can leave now"

"Wouldn't you tell me who the lucky guy was?" he asked still sitting on her bed.

She almost glared at him. 'Gosh this man again!'

"Go jeez!"

"Not until you tell me who it was in your dream" Leon said.

She picked up her phone and dashed into the bathroom. If she stayed there any longer, her face would have exploded from how red it was.

Leon sighed when Vienna suddenly entered the bathroom. He didn't know what he would have done if she pressed on him leaving first. He quickly got up and dashed out of the room to take care of his member.


Leon and Vienna came down together looking like a couple. They were both wearing navy blue jeans with black ups; Leon on a polo and Vee on a top.

"Oh you both look wonderful" Sasha complimented as she set the breakfast table. "Like the perfect couple"

Leon glared at Vienna. "Go change"

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