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The day at the office was going slowly and quietly for Vee. She felt weird that Blake had heard her discussion with Easton. And throughout the day she kept to herself; not going into Blake's office and not asking him to explain things to her.

She glanced through the walls at Blake once in a while, and each time, he wasn't looking back at her. But she couldn't help still looking over to see if he would finally return her gaze.

Ray had called Vee to ask for a date and she accepted, only because she wanted to be in a place that her boss wasn't. She was arranging her desk when Blake came out of the office.

"You going out for lunch?"

Vienna looked up at him. He still had that bored expression on his face and he didn't look like he was inviting her to have lunch with him.

"Yeah. I'm going out with Ray." She waited for him to speak but when he just stood still staring back at her, she picked up her phone and purse.

"So, you and West huh?" Blake asked as Vee stood from her chair.

Vee swallowed. She didn't expect him to ask about Easton. "Uh, it's really nothing serious" She stared at her phone as she spoke.

"Sure it isn't" Blake said and the next second Vee's phone was out of her hand.

She stared at him in shock and disbelief. "What are you doing?" She tried to reach for her phone but Blake raised his hand away from her reach.

'Is this guy playing keep away with me?' Vee asked herself. She could have sworn she saw a smile on his face but she quickly discarded the thought and glared at him.

"No phones during office hours. You'll get this at the end of the day" Blake finally put the phone in his pockets and left, leaving Vienna speechless.

"That's not a rule!" She shouted even though she wasn't sure Blake heard her. She didn't understand what was wrong with this boss of hers. Taking her phone even when he knew fully well that they were on a lunch break. She wondered if Blake was really that obsessed with her dating life. Why then did he take her phone? She didn't answer him rudely... right? She sighed and sat back down on her seat. Blake wasn't Phina or Camy or Leon or her parents, he was her boss so she couldn't do anything about him taking her phone. She just had to wait till closing hours.

Vienna waited for a long while but Blake didn't come back till 4pm, the closing hour. He entered with Ray who gave her a questioning look as she glared at Blake.

"Hey I thought you were not feeling well" Ray asked as he looked from Vienna to Blake.

Now it was Vienna's turn to look at Blake questioningly. Was that what he had told Ray? Such a nice friend, she mocked. She gave a small smile as she imagined herself in a higher position than Blake, and wiping that bored look from his face, replacing it with tears.

'You sound like an evil psychopath. Wake up girl!' her subconscious brought her back from her thoughts. For once her evil subconscious was actually doing a good thing, she hadn't even realized Blake was handing her her phone.

"It is a rule. No phones as long as you're in this office"

So he had heard her. She rolled her eyes, not minding whether he noticed it. And then she rushed out because Leon was already calling.

Leon looked happy as Vee entered the car.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked.

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