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It had been two weeks since Easton's re-proposal. Several thoughts ran through Vee's head as she thought about it, not that she was willing to give him another chance; she had her mantra...

Never go back to the thing that hurt you.

Or in this case, The One. But she couldn't help thinking just why he had a sudden change of heart. Someone that cheated on her without any remorse, he had even went as far as rubbing Riley in her face, and now he wanted her back?

The thing that baffled Vienna the most were the calls and text she received from Easton. He really was not giving up. He texted and called every single day and she had ignored them. She was at the verge of blocking his number.

She decided not to give him any more thoughts. Her problem now was Camy. She had met up with Camy a number of times after work, even during her lunch breaks, all so she could tell her about Theo. But she couldn't bring herself to say it. Camy couldn't stop talking about the guy that Vee started to wonder what Theo had fed her.

Every day they met, Camy would talk about the new things Theo had done for her and how their night got spicer each passing day. Now they were moving in together! She was helplessly inlove with him and Vee couldn't bring herself to break her friend's heart. She also had the feeling that Camy wouldn't believe her words about Theo, and she was afraid that their friendship would end after that. So Vee kept quiet, not a word to Camy and also not to Phina who wasn't that great at keeping secrets.

Vee stared at her mirror as she applied lipgloss and a little blush. She and Leon were going for Camy and Theo's housewarming party that Camy had basically forced them to come too. The only reason Vee had accepted was because Leon accepted to go, she normally hated housewarmings.

She stood up and walked to her full-length mirror.

"God I'm so hot" she mumbled.

She was putting on a white button-up short sleeved dress and her black boots to compliment. Her black hair was packed in a ponytail and she congratulated herself that even while looking simple, she was still smoking hot.

Leon opened the door and groaned, seeing Vee still at the mirror. "Must you take the whole day just to dress up?"

"I'm already done." She picked up her purse and walked to him. "Couldn't you have knocked atleast? What if I was naked again?"

Leon stared down at Vienna, totally ignoring her question. "What are you wearing?" He asked taking in the length of her dress. And her boots didn't help as the dress now looked shorter than it were supposed to.

Vee also ignored him and walked out. "Why do you always have a problem with me wearing a skirt or a dress?"

"Because that guy is going to be there. Are you trying to seduce him now?"

Vee halted and turned to Leon, "Why would you even ask me that?"

"Then why haven't you told Camy about his advances?"

"Because!" Vee let out an exasperated sigh.

Leon looked at her, waiting for her response but she just turned and walked away.

"Because of what?" Leon whined as he followed her.

They got to the car and Vee leaned on the passenger door. "Because Camy would never believe me." She answered, somewhat sad.

"Well have you tried?"

"Open the freaking car Leon and stop pestering me"

They entered into the car and drove in silence. Vee was used to it, they drove like this almost every day when she went to work so she didn't bother bringing up a conversation.

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