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At exactly 2pm, Ray walked into Vienna's office. Blake was teaching Vienna a few things and she was happy that he atleast considered it but he still wore that stoned face, no hint of warmth on it. Even as he spoke he didn't give her a chance to ask questions. Though, it was like he knew her every thought and he answered her questions without even being asked.

Ray was still grinning widely as he waited for Blake to be done with Vienna.

"Hey man" Blake glanced at Ray. "Just give me five minutes and we can go for lunch."

"Actually Vienna and I are having lunch together."

Blake looked from Ray to Vee and she just stared back at Ray. So this guy was actually serious. She smiled inwardly, it had been a while since she turned a guy down; it felt good to be back in business.

Seeing that Vienna wasn't speaking, Blake told her to work on the little he had taught her and then he went into his office.

"Ready for lunch?" Ray asked, spinning his keys on his index finger.

Vee looked at Blake. He seemed focus on whatever he was doing on his computer but she knew he could hear every conversation. Now she felt bad turning down her boss' friend. She wondered if he was those kind of bosses that automatically hated you if you don't accept to go out with them or someone close to them. Nevertheless she knew she had to do it.

"I can't go out for lunch with you" Vee said slowly and politely. The slowest blows were always the hardest to digest.

Ray was quiet for a while. "W-why?"

Damn! This guy was stammering. And for what? Were the words that hard to take in?

'You're evil Vienna' her inner goddess smirked. She was sitting on her throne like the badass she was.

"Well for starters, we just met; like few hours ago. And you can't just tell someone to go out with you without asking if she actually wants to."

"Okay" Ray said slowly and then that grin was back on his face. "Do you want to go out for lunch with me"

Vee gaped slightly. How was she going to put this now...

"No" she said plainly but somewhat nicely.

A cough came from Blake's office, his hand was covering his mouth. Was he laughing? Vee smiled at Ray before he sluggishly walked to Blake's office. It seemed he wasn't used to being turned down... twice.

Point Vienna!

After discussing for a few minutes, Blake came out with Ray. "We're going out for lunch. Finish up and don't leave here till it's four" Blake ordered.

Vienna almost rolled her eyes at him but she just gave a tight smile and a small wave to Ray before they left.


It was 4pm when a knock came on the door. 'Must be Leon', Vienna thought.

"Come in" she said and started packing her stuff. She didn't even know how the time had passed. Editing manuscripts was not so easy as she thought.

The door opened and a figure came in. Even though Vee had only seen him once, she would never forget that face.


He smiled at her. "I thought you wouldn't remember me"

"I have good memory" she smiled back and stood up to give him a side hug but he wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug.

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