Be Mine

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Vienna stopped at her room door. It was open so ofcourse she knew Leon was there. She waited a while before she poked her head inside and searched the room with her eyes. She saw Leon at the wall with his head bent and his hands on his knees. She stood upright as she continued looking at him. Why was he acting like he was in a really big mess? Could it be because of the sunflower thing? She bit her lips to stop herself from smiling. Leon was so cute when he was younger, now he was the complete opposite. She couldn't help but want to hear more stories of what Leon had done for her that she couldn't remember.

Leon finally looked up at her and she tried to regain her posture. She couldn't help it, she smiled at him.

"I can't believe you did that" she awed and then laughed. "Where's my sunflower-Leon now?" She pouted.

"Forget it. He's gone" Leon stood straight and relaxed on the wall.

"Don't worry. I won't tease you so much about it Lee"

"Stop doing that"

She rolled her eyes and sat on her bed. "Well are we still doing this pretending thing or not? Cause downstairs you said you were done so..." She stopped and looked at her fingers. What would she do if Leon said he wasn't interested in deceiving their parents anymore?


"I'm getting this feeling you really want to do this dating thing Anna"

She looked at him and he was already smirking at her.

"I'm just trying to help you" she defended.

"So you wouldn't accept if I really asked you to be mine?" He wore a smug look as he looked at her.

Damn this guy again!

She closed her eyes as she tried to remind herself that he was just teasing her. But his choice of words!...


"Let's go downstairs and finish dinner" Leon interrupted, walking to the door.

One minute he was flirting, now he was behaving as if he hadn't just asked her to be his. Like literally to belong to him...and only him.

They had dinner peacefully. The parents didn't say anything else so as not to anger Leon but the tension in the room could be cut with a knife.


Phina and Camy were planning on what to do for Vee now that she was moving out. They didn't know where her apartment would be, and who knew how often they would see each other again. So they planned with her to have a girls' night every chance they got till the day she moved.

Phina sat on the couch in Camy's apartment as they both went through a list of things they could do that night.

"And clubbing. We should definitely take Vee clubbing tonight" Camy said excitedly.

Phina rolled her eyes. She didn't even understand how Camy could have gotten a boyfriend with her fun-daring teenage behavior.

"I don't know if Vee would like that."

"Of course she would. And besides she needs a boyfriend"

"Um I thought you were team Leon?" Phina asked.

"I am. But if Leon still hasn't proposed to Vee, then I have to get her another guy to smash"

Phina stared wide-eyed at Camy as she said the words so boldly and confidently. Camy laughed at Phina's expression.

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