My Lady

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Leon made his way hastily to Blake's house. He kept pondering over what Vienna said as he sat calmly in his car. But he was anything but calm, he was raging mad. He always thought that Blake didn't like Vienna, and not surprisingly, he was happy for that. He couldn't have another Theo to deal with again. Even when Vee had asked him of things to use and impress her boss, he had purposely ignored her. If Blake disliking her was going to keep him away from her pants, then Leon was perfectly okay with that.

He hit his steering wheel as he imagined how Vienna looked under the rain last night. She had worn a not-so-fitted silk dress which would definitely clung to her skin when wet. He groaned and hit the wheel again. Even though Vee had said that Blake's maid changed her, he couldn't accept that the guy wasn't even in the room while she was being changed. Or that Jane had locked him out? Like he was going to believe that?

He finally got to the huge bungalow that was Blake's building. He parked his car on the driveway and walked inside without knocking. Jane had just come out of the kitchen when he entered.

"Mr. Leon" she greeted with a small bow.

He frowned at her. He had begged her many times not to greet him as she was much older than his own mother but she wouldn't listen. She had been Blake's caretaker since he was a little boy and had called him master since birth, and all his friends, she attached Mr or Miss to their name.

"Nice to meet you too Jane. Is Blake home?"

"Yes. I'll go get him for you" she left and Leon took a seat.

Few moments later Blake came out with a broad smile plastered on his face. Leon frowned slightly as he looked at him, Blake wasn't one to smile much. Not to talk of the huge smile on his face. He couldn't help but think that maybe it had something to do with Vienna.

"Hey man" Blake greeted and shook Leon's hand before sitting next to him. "I haven't seen you here in forever"

"I came to get Vienna's belongings" he said unpleasantly.

"Oh" Blake scratched his head.

"Oh what?" Leon asked, slightly raising his brows.

"You know when she told me she'll send you later in the day, I didn't think it will be as soon as I dropped her off"

"You think I'll let her underwear stay another second with you?" He asked with a frown. He couldn't even tell why he was getting mad. Blake wasn't that kind of guy but still Leon was upset.

"Dude!" Blake laughed. "Chill out. I haven't been sniffing through them or anything"

"I sure hope not"

"I'll go tell Jane to bring them from the dryer" Blake said and stood.

"So...why did you pick Vienna up last night?"

"What?" Blake turned back to him.

"Why did you pick her from the rain?"

"Uh because it was raining" he answered manner-of-factly.

"But I thought you said you wanted nothing to do with her?"

"Well doesn't mean I'll see a pretty lady under the rain and leave her to drench"

"Pretty?" Leon asked with a sarcastic smile. "I thought she wasn't your type"

"Yeah, she wasn't" Blake answered with a grin.

"Then what changed"

"Last night changed. Seeing her all wet, you don't not want to know what I saw last night Leon" Blake shook his head with his eyes closed.

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