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The restaurant was more than what Vee hoped for. Ray had really gone all out, seeing that it was their first time having lunch outside work. The set up of the place told Vee that each meal would cost atleast the price of a chair there.

"Oh I like your friend already" Camy nudged Vee as they walked inside.

She searched around for Ray. He had texted her that he would be outside the restaurant waiting for her but here she was, and he wasn't there.

She was just about to reach into her purse for her phone to call him when she saw a hand waving at her.

Ah, there he is.

He looked like his usual get up, with his black pants and blue shirt.

"Hello Vienna" he said and embraced her.

Easy! There were right infront of the counter. Everyone could probably see them.

"Ehem!" Phina coughed behind her.

Vee looked tried to look at Ray who she could feel was already looking confusedly at the two girls behind her but still wouldn't release her so she could explain.

"Ray" she called and he finally looked at her before releasing her, a light blush on his cheeks.

"Um, these are my friends, Camy and Phina. Cams, Phina, this is Ray"

The two waved at him but the confusion remained on his face.

Vee started to get tense. What if he got really upset that she brought her friends without his permission?

"Why are they here?" Ray leaned to her and whispered.

Now what was she going to say? 'I brought them cause I didn't want my mum to ruin my life and tell them exaggerated truths about me and the guy I'm secretly crushing on'?

"It's alright" Ray stood upright, rescuing Vee from her thoughts of forming a good-enough lie. "I'm glad I didn't make any reservations though. You girls are welcome to join"

"Aw what a kind host" Phina said and followed Ray as he led them to a table.

Kind indeed. Vee couldn't imagine what would have happened if it was someone else. Someone like Leon? He would have freaked out and walked out on her, not caring obviously.

'Try not to dress like this around me' his words kept ringing in her head. She sighed, silently praying to avoid all Leon thoughts during their lunch.


They had started eating and Camy didn't shut up once about totally random things. Vee felt slightly embarrassed because Ray kept staring at her, maybe hoping she would bring something up in the conversation, but she just focused on her food, trying to keep her mind balanced between moving the next day and things Leon had said. It always had to be revolving around Leon.

"So Ray" Phina spoke.

Vee turned to her with a face. Phina wasn't one to talk around people she just met. Especially not someone she met ten minutes ago.

"You seem to be a good friend of Vee's, can you please tell her that Leon is really inlove with her?" She said plainly, like it was pouring water into a cup.

"Jesus Christ!" Camy coughed and side-glared at her.

Vee tried to look at Ray's face. But her head wouldn't just move up from staring down at her plate.

"Who's Leon?"

She could sense the disappointment and confusion in his voice.

"It's no one" Camy saved.

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