Sweet Surprise

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Vee held her breath as Leon leaned even closer. Her eyes widened in anticipation, Leon was going to kiss her! It was definitely too soon, she was still nursing her heart over Easton. So why did she want this kiss? Or was she still drunk?

Many questions flooded her mind as she awaited Leon's lips on hers before her subconscious screamed at her. 'You still have morning breath!'.

She was about to push him away from her. Their first kiss couldn't be like this. But then Leon's warm breath fanned her ears as he whispered.

"Tell me why you had to throw up on me when I was saving you, else I won't give you the sweet surprise I brought back with me"

His voice was taunting, teasing, tricking even.

Vee blinked once.


She look up at his face and then the memories of last night began to flood in. She threw up on Leon? Oh no... even worse... Leon saw her and Theo. She placed her hands over her mouth as she gasped.

Leon was going to kill Theo. She was telling herself that Theo was just drunk which was why he acted that way, or maybe he thought she was Camy.

'He practically called your name ten times'  her verbose subconscious chipped again.

"Leon please don't hurt him. I promise you it was a misunderstanding"

Leon stared at Vee in confusion. This girl had once again managed to bring wrinkles on his forehead. If care was not taken, by the time he left Phoenix he would be looking like his dad, all because of this girl.

He was here talking about her disgusting un-ladylike  behavior. Who was this 'him' now?

"Camy seems to like him very much. I guess he was just drunk last night"

His jaw clenched realizing that Vee was talking about Theo. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. No, he wasn't going to deal with this now. "Get dressed Anna we have somewhere to go" he said coldly as he made his way to the door.

"Leon" Vienna called softly making him halt. He didn't turn to face her.

"I'm not sorry for throwing up on you. You deserved it anyways" she said and he could feel her rolling her eyes.

One minute she was acting scared and innocent, the next she was bringing out that badass attitude he always liked in her. Shaking his head with a smile, Leon left the room.


After her bath, Vienna came out wearing a pink towel. She got her clothes from her closet and when she came back Leon was already at her mirror. He was wearing a black shirt that did much justice to his awesome biceps. His black pants were hanging loosely around his torso. Vienna watched him as he was drying his hair with her hair dryer and using his hand as a comb.

"Pink towel, grab me some cream, would ya?"

Vee walked to him and grabbed the hair dryer, turning it off and placing it on her vanity table. "You know Leon, usually when I'm done with a bath, I come out naked."

"So?" He asked nonchalantly and turned to her.


Vienna's mouth hung open. Was that all he could say? She was wearing a towel that barely covered her bum and her cleavage was well exposed, but this guy didn't even seem affected by her. Was he immune to pretty girls? Was... was he gay? She gasped momentarily.

"You know how many times I've seen you naked? We used to bathe together quite a lot of times remember?"

"Geez Leon. When I was like what, five?"

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