Just Anna

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Leon sat casually in his office at DECK INQUIRIES, chatting with Liam. They were already done with the day's work but he was waiting for Vee to call him. He didn't want to go to her parents' house alone and then have to deal with his parents too. He was low key excited to leave that place, whether it was with Vienna or not, he just wanted peace of mind.

He looked at his phone again and sighed, scratching his head.

"I've been talking to you for 20 minutes and you haven't even paid attention to me" Liam pointed out.

"Stop being an Anna" Leon sighed again and leaned back on his office chair.

"Oh so that's her name?" Liam leaned closer with a look of interest. "What's her full name Annabel? Annabella? Or just Anna?"

"No. No. No. No." Leon said sternly to all his questions. "That's not it and you are not allowed to call her that"

"I haven't even seen the Anna in question." Leon gave him a stern look and he rolled his eyes. "Fine, 'the girl'" he quoted, his British accent coming off very smooth.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Liam teased and jumped up from his seat. "Let's have a drink. That will take your mind off this girl"

"I don't want to take my mind off her" He said without thinking. He groaned in frustration and gave Liam a look that said 'tease me about that and I might really just kill you'

Liam stopped smirking and laughed. "You are the boss aren't you? So...drink?"

"Fine let's go"

They drove in their separate cars to a club; it was the exact same club that Leon had gone on Vienna's graduation night. Looking at it now, he thought about the events of that night and he couldn't help getting annoyed.

"Man it's just a club. Wipe that frown off your face and let's go inside" Liam dragged.

It was just 6:30pm and there was already a good number of people bustling in the club.

"You should buy this place!" Liam slightly yelled, though the music wasn't that loud. "Brings good profit"

"Nice. Then you can buy it instead"

They sat at the bar stools and ordered their drinks.

"So are you excited for your moving in? I've never heard of you moving in with a girl before."

"Drop it Liam"

"Is it the same Anna-girl?"

"I told you not to call her that!"

Leon was getting slightly annoyed with the way his friend was talking. It wasn't Vienna's real name but he felt that if someone else should start calling her 'Anna', then it wouldn't be his thing anymore.

"Okay chill" Liam handed Leon a glass and then drank from his. "You're getting annoyed again"

"I know" Leon sighed and downed his whole glass.

"But when am I going to see this girl?" Liam asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hopefully never" Leon chuckled as he placed his glass and signaled the bartender for a refill.

"Mmm my man's a keeper" Liam teased.

"I'm not your man" Leon argued with a look of disgust.

Liam laughed as he finished his drink and placed it on the table just as a bartender girl approached with a bottle.

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