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Vienna groaned at the sound of her phone ringing and rolled from side to side on her bed. She sat up abruptly to check the bed if Leon was on it. She didn't want him to tease her again about her dream even though she was sure she didn't have one. She sighed in relief and thought about last night. Leon had found a suitable apartment. And they would be moving in two days!

The ringing of the phone brought her back from her thoughts and she picked it up. It was Camy. She wondered why Camy was calling so early. Did she find out about what Theo did? Did Theo twist the story? Obviously he had but why was she calling? Vee sighed and pressed the phone to her ear.

"Vienna!" Camy yelled.

Oh no, Theo had twisted the story and put the blame on her. Camy never called her by her full name.

"Cam I'm so sorry. It's not what you think. I-"

"Oh it is definitely what I think"

Geez Camy sounded mad. Vee sighed and waited for Camy to speak. She knew nothing could be done now. She couldn't convince Camy now that Theo had already told her something else. She wished she had listened to Leon and told Camy about him earlier.

"Listen Cam-" Vee started when Camy didn't speak.

"Don't okay. I planned all these things Vee"

She what!?

"And then what? You don't show up? I am highly offended. Just wait till Phina gets you. But what was it? Is it your boss, get me his cell number and address and I'm going to beat the shit out of him"

Vee blinked. What was this girl saying?

"Vee! We're having another girls' night today. Miss it and I might just have to come down to that publishing stress-house and drag you out myself. Okay I'll let you prepare for work now. I'll explain everything to Phina. Byee!" And then she hung up.

Vee stared into space, confused. So Theo didn't say anything then?

"Why didn't you tell her about Theo?"

Vee jumped from her bed in shock. She turned back and saw Leon at her door.

"Gosh you scared me."

"Why?" Leon asked, as annoying as ever.

Vee scoffed. "Did you hear me say any word to her? She was just ranting and all I had to do was listen, and then she hung up before I could say anything."

"So when are you going to tell her?"

Annoying piece of-

"When!?" Leon smirked, obviously trying to annoy her.

"Just leave Leon. I need to sleep"

"You do know it's almost 8a.m right?"

Vee gulped. She knew telling Leon that she wasn't going to work for Blake again was going to end badly. He was going to win against her, probably bring up their moving.

"Um I'm not working again" she said, even though she knew he was going to get mad.

"He fired you?! What did you do?"

"No he didn't fire me. I'm quitting" she said confidently. Maybe Leon wasn't going to get so mad.

"You're quitting" Leon repeated, hand stroking his chin. "You're quitting" he said again...and again.

"Okay stop! Yes I'm quitting and there's nothing you can do about it" Vee said and sat on the bed.

"Oh I'm not going to stop you Anna. You say you're a woman right, an"

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