Glass Wall

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Vee was very upset with how the date went. She was even more furious when she saw Riley speaking to Leon after she left. She had watched from a distance and saw when Riley wrote something down on Leon's palm- obviously her phone number. She wanted to beat this girl to a pulp, having a boyfriend and still trying to hook up with another guy? And the way Leon answered her? What was he even thinking?

When Leon had found her and they walked into the car, she had given him a piece of her mind. She was so mad she had told him to tell his friend that she would resume work the next day.

Waking up that morning, Vienna couldn't help but hate how her anger got the better of her, now she had to go to work. She groaned as she placed her pillow over her face, groaning even louder. 'Maybe if I locked the door Leon wouldn't come to wake me up' she thought to herself as she brought down the pillow to her chest.

Smiling widely, she threw the pillow and jumped off bed to lock the doors. Just as she was about to reach for the key, the door slightly opened and Leon poked his head inside. He seemed to be surveying the room, glancing round the bed until his eyes settled on hers and he gave a small smile.

"Good morning. I see you're ready to work"

Damn this guy for being chirpy this morning. "I'm not ready for anything" she groaned and left the door to slump on her bed.

"Well too late Anna. I already told Blake you would resume today and it's almost 8 o'clock" he spoke, like a dad trying to convince his child that broccoli tasted just as good as icecream.

"Just give me a minute to gather up my wrong choice" her voice sounded muffled since her face was still buried in the thick duvet.

"30 minutes" Leon said and left.

Minutes later Vee was done showering and came out of the bathroom wearing only innerwears. She looked at her dress table, and seeing Leon wasn't there, she sighed in relief. She had just put on her shirt when Leon barged inside.

"Oh my God!" He exclaimed seeing Vee's behind in her panties.

Vee turned around in shock and immediately carried her duvet to cover herself. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I'm sorry I just came to tell you not to wear a skirt."

Her mouth hung slightly open as she looked at him in disbelief. Leon's eyes were closed tightly as he still held the handle of the door. "Well what are you still doing!? Get out!" She ordered.

Hastily Leon left the room, still shouting a 'sorry' as he raced down the hall.

Leon sat in his car as he waited for Vienna. It was such a bad idea to enter her room like that and he scolded himself for invading her privacy. But he couldn't help remembering how she looked in just panties. 'How could she have gotten so mature?', was all he could think. He shook his head to wade off any incoming dirty thoughts. Remembering Riley, he brought out his phone and called her.

"Hello" a voice answered on the second ring.

"Hey Riley, it's Leon."

"Oh hi!" She giggled.

"How are you?"

"Not so great" she sniffed. One second she was chirpy the next she was sounding like she got badly hit yesterday. She was just like Vienna, he thought. But he couldn't help but wonder if she had probably gotten hit by Easton because she gave out her number.

"What happened" he asked worriedly.

Riley giggled again. "Omg you are the cutest"

Leon rolled his eyes for even thinking something like that could have happened to her. This girl was obviously just trying to flirt with him.

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