Something Little

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"Woah!" Leon shook his head, looking down at Vienna and trying to access the fact that she was sitting on him. She seemed not to notice that she was on him, but something was already starting to react.

"Anna get up" he said quietly and swallowed.

"Ooh I got the picture! I'm sending it to Mary right now." Sasha exclaimed.

"Hey! Stop!" Vienna stood up.

Leon sighed in relief and stood up too. Thankfully, he didn't get a hard on and that was all that mattered to him at the moment.

"What are you doing?" Vienna asked looking at both her parents, like she was the older one and was about to give them an earful.

"Planning for your wedding" Sasha answered innocently. She was completely oblivious of the idea that her daughter was getting upset.

"There isn't going to be a wedding mum!"

"Ofcourse there is dear. You just haven't gotten the perfect date yet."

Vienna fumed at her mother's words. Leon knew he was supposed to step in, but getting in an argument between mother and daughter was something he didn't want to get involved with.

"I'm tired of this. When will you realize it mum, Leon and I will never be anything... at all!" She huffed out in anger and stormed upstairs.

Leon detected a hint of sadness in her  last words. Did she want them to be together? Was it too late to step in now?

"Aw poor Vee" Frank clicked his tongue as he looked up the stairs.

"But you guys look so cute together" Sasha said looking at Leon.

"I'll talk to her" Leon said calmly and headed upstairs.

"I'm going to call Mary and tell her to rush down to Phoenix as soon as possible! We're finally having a wedding" Sasha said excitedly as she went to a corner to make her call.

Leon stopped at the door of Vee's room, listening quietly to hear the sobs coming from behind the door.

"Anna" he knocked and then he opened the door without waiting for a reply.

Vee's eyes was already red as she stared at him. It looked like she was about to open the door herself because her hand was stretched forward.

"Are you crying?" He didn't know why but some part of him was hurt, seeing her like that. He suddenly felt how he used too when he first saw her as a baby, to keep her from getting hurt. When she grew older and they became closer, to protect her from the wicked world, even though her parents happened to be a part of it. It had been a long while since he saw her in that kind of state. He couldn't remember the last time he saw her cry.

"I'm not crying. I'm mad" Vee answered.

Okay then why are you sad?

"They should know nothing's ever going to happen between us. I'm tired of their constant drama. And now they want to send pictures to your mum?" Vee looked at him as if saying, 'you know how your mum is right?'

Leon got the hint. If Mrs Devel was being like this with wedding plans, then his mother, Mary Hartman, was going to be much worse. She had been the one that brought the idea about them getting married while Sasha was still pregnant with Vee then. And as Vee got older and bigger, his mother just fell in-love with her the more. She didn't even allow any of his past girlfriends to visit the house. And now that Sasha would send her pictures, he had no doubt that his parents would fly to Phoenix once they saw those pictures.

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