Pretty Enough

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Camy had changed their destination from the graduation party to a club. Apparently her boyfriend, Theo, had decided to give them a treat since he couldn't make it in time for the graduation.

Camy and Theo started dating six months before graduation. Phina and Vienna knew him well, they had never seen him before though. Theo was the only thing Camy talked about, she kept promising them that they would see him soon and today happened to be their lucky day.

They got to the club in no time. It looked like a club for the rich and it was packed. They entered inside and Phina shouted over the loud music "How are we going to find your Theo?!"

Camy looked around for a while. "I see him!" And she led the way towards where a young man was sitting on a barstool at the bar. "Babe!" Camy called upon getting to him.

"Baby" the guy turned to her and wrapped her in a hug and gave her a kiss.

Vee sighed. This reminded her of Easton, but she needed to get over him, she would do any thing to get over him.

As if sensing that Vienna could be having Easton-thoughts, Camy released herself from Theo's arms and turned to Vee with an apologetic look. But Vienna shook her head at her, telling Camy that it was okay. She was fine.

"Babe, these are my best friends, Phina and Vienna, we call her Vee" Camy introduced. Phina face palmed herself. Did this girl have to force Theo to call Vienna a nickname. "Guys this is my boyfriend, Theo" she said looking at him with a smile.

They stared at each other for a second before Theo broke away from Camy's gaze. "Hi nice to meet you both" he shook their hands one after the other. Vee's hand was still in his when he turned to Leon. "And you are?"

"Oh this is-"

Before Camy could finish, Leon pulled Theo's hand from Vienna's and held it in a grip. "The name is Leon. Nice to meet you too." He said putting on a tight smile.

Theo smiled awkwardly and looked down as Leon wrapped his arms around Vienna's waist and brought her closer to him. "Oh, are you two together?" He asked

"We wish" Camy answered and sat down on a stool next to Theo.

Vienna could guess something wasn't right with Leon. The way he yanked Theo's hand away and he was still holding him. And now his arms were around her. She looked up at him, his dark eyes were blazing in anger.

Sigh...she really couldn't get enough of this guy's attitude.

"Um, babe let's go sit somewhere more comfortable." Theo suggested. He slowly released himself from Leon's grip and took Camy's hand as he helped her down the stool and led the way.

Leon smiled and followed.

"Is it just me or is Leon acting weird right now?" Phina asked.

"I don't know what's wrong with him." Vee was about to follow when Phina held her back.

"Hey Vee you really don't like him do you?"

Knowing Phina, Vee knew she would ask Leon out herself. But she couldn't do anything. She was still mending a broken heart and she certainly didn't like Leon.

'Yeah right' her subconscious chipped in wiggling her eyebrows at her. She rolled her eyes and turned to Phina.

"Yes Phina I don't. Now let's go" they walked fast to catch up to their moving crew.

They sat down at a place that looked like it was kept for the VIPs. There were two large couches facing each other and a small rectangular table in the middle. Camy and Theo took one of the couch while the rest sat on the other.

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