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The sunlight settled on Vienna's calm sleeping face. Her long black hair was sprawled all over the pillow and her lips parted slightly as light snores escaped from them.

Leon was lying next to her, his elbow on the bed as his hand held his face. He stared at her intently, wishing she could wake up quickly and answer his questions.

Last night...

Leon poured himself another drink after Vienna left. Camy and her boyfriend were still engrossed in their conversation, laughing and touching each other every now and then.

It wasn't up to two minutes after Vienna left that Camy's boyfriend stood up too. "Shit I gave Vienna the directions to the old bathroom. She looked pretty drunk, I should go help her find her way to the new one"

"I'll go" Leon volunteered.

"It's alright Leon. Theo will bring Vee safe and sound" Camy smirked at him.

He had no idea why this girl was looking at him this way. It was the same way she had looked at him when they introduced themselves to each other back in Vienna's bedroom. But nevertheless, he still felt strange about this Theo guy. He was used to guys staring at Vienna all the time, which was why he had been her big brother figure while they were younger, but Theo wasn't staring at her the way other guys did so why was he feeling like this. Was it because Theo held her hand longer than expected? Leon was about to object again but Theo had already scurried away and Phina had come to sit beside him.

Phina and Leon chatted away, they had few laughs and Leon found her company soothing and interesting. But he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened to Vienna. How many minutes had gone by and this Theo guy was still not back with her.

"Phina I'll be right back, I need to use the restroom", and without waiting for her reply he excused himself to the path where Vienna and Theo had gone.

Walking down the hall to the bathroom, Leon couldn't help but wonder if Theo was truly in the right state of mind when he sent Vienna here. It looked really dangerous with all the glasses and cigarettes, like a place where teenagers had been. He heard moans coming from a door on his right. Thinking it was Vienna, he moved to open the door but then he remembered that Theo had told Vienna to go left.

He shook his head as he retracted his hand from the door handle. Ofcourse this was just a place where people in the club excused themselves for real pleasurable fun. He jaw clenched at the possibility that this was why Theo sent Vienna here. With anger in his eyes, he hastily made his way to the bathroom.

"Vee or Vienna" those were the first words that reached Leon's ears as he got closer to the bathroom door. He could tell all too well that that was Theo's voice, and he could as well imagine the stupid smirk on that face of his.

Leon opened the door and he couldn't just believe his eyes. Vienna was in Theo's arms and he was just about to kiss her.

"Theo let go" she called but the idiot was still inching closer to her. He even pulled her closer to himself.

"I think she just said to let go" Leon called out. The idiot seemed to realize himself and stared at Leon in shock. But that wasn't enough for Leon as he lunged at him and gave him a lethal blow that threw him off Vienna.

He was just about to advance further and give this guy the beating of his life when suddenly, a gagging noise shifted his attention to Vienna, and before he knew it she threw up all over him.

His eyes widened in shock and irritation. He was here saving her and this was how she could repay him? Before he could open his mouth to speak, the girl was already falling and he was quick enough to grab her before her head hit the floor. He turned back to face Theo but that coward was already gone.

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