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It was now junior year for one Rachel Berry and she was excited however not as excited as her fathers. They'd been so excited that she was now late due to all the pictures they wanted to take of the brunette so here she was rushing into homeroom and taking the last available seat in the back of the classroom next to a blonde who had her face stuffed in a book and had on glasses. Rachel hadn't ever seen the girl before at least she didn't think she had and she was quick to introduce herself to her new classmate.

"Hi ! I'm Rachel Berry you must be new here well I-...." She immediately stopped talking when the blonde girl turned and looked at her she was at a lost of words and that never happened.

"Quinn ?!..." she asked her eyes widening.

The blonde just looked at her hesitant to say anything before she quietly and softly said "Hi Rachel."

Quinn gave her a small smile and Rachel was stunned but she quickly composed herself.

As she took in the blondes look she noticed the girl was wearing was leggings and a sweatshirt but why ?

It was incredibly hot outside, the leggings didn't bother her but the sweatshirt did. Even she wasn't wearing a sweater today just a light weight blouse. Rachel looked back at Quinn's hazel eyes and smiled back before asking.

"How are you Quinn ? No one heard much from you over the summer" Rachel asked

She sensed the hint of panic in the hazel girls eyes but chose not to comment on it not wanting to make the blonde anymore uncomfortable than she already seemed.

"It was fine...just um...spent a lot of time with my f-family " Quinn replied stuttering a bit.

Rachel saw how nervous Quinn looked and she wanted to ask the blonde if she was okay but before she could even attempt to ask the teacher had began speaking all about the new school year and the same stuff they heard every year.

Rachel ended up blocking out the woman's voice and watching Quinn the entire time. She's watched the girl pick at her top, her leggings, twirl her hair among other things throughout the period. Eventually the bell rang and Quinn was the first one out of the classroom leaving Rachel no time to speak to her.


As the school day dragged on Rachel realized she had every class with Quinn not only that but their lockers were right beside one another, it wasn't until she was at lunch that Rachel realized how different Quinn had been acting in class while the blonde had been talkative in class in previous years now she barely says anything except saying a small and quiet 'here' when her name was called during roll other than that she was either paying attention or reading her book.

Truthfully she found it a bit concerning. Quinn wasn't usually like this it was all so strange. Another thing she couldn't help but notice was that Quinn hadn't been seen with Santana, Brittany, Finn, or Puck all day it was something the student body had been talking about practically all day.

The brunette had been tempted to go ask the three herself what was up and why they weren't with the blonde but ultimately deciding to leave it alone. It was possible they'd had a falling out or something of that nature.


Finally it was time for Glee Club and Rachel couldn't have been more excited and of course she's the first one there surprisingly enough Quinn is actually the second one to arrive and slowly everyone else trickled into the choir room and soon enough Mr.Shue has entered and began speaking.

"Welcome back everyone ! I hope you all had an amazing summer break but we have a lot of work to do firstly we have to look for new members because Matt transferred schools which means we only have 11 people when we need 12 " he started.

At some point Rachel began to zone out because something else caught her eye she could see Quinn out the side of her eye face stuffed in her book again leg bouncing faster than she's ever seen, it made her question even further if the blonde is seriously okay and if she needed some kind of help.

Maybe she was just nervous about the first day back ?

As she watched on she noticed the subtle glances the girl made towards everyone in the choir room her eyes saying something that Rachel couldn't read. As the blonde sighed quietly at her seemingly failed attempt at whatever she'd been trying to accomplish she focused back on her book her leg continuing to bounce.

The brunette was so deep in thought that she didn't even realize Glee was over until she noticed everyone gathering their things and leaving saying their goodbyes to everyone well everyone except Quinn which she took note of as she gathered her own things watching as Quinn gathered hers as well clearly wanting nothing more than to leave.

Rachel watched as Quinn tried to leave but was stopped by Santana before she even had the chance to move from her seat.

" Where have you been Quinn ?! " the Latina asked with a bit of an attitude.

Quinn didn't answer at all she just looked back and forth from Santana to the clock on the wall seeming to contemplating on what she should do in this moment, well that is until Santana pushed her shoulder in a playful yet harsh way.

Rachel could've sworn she saw Quinn flinch but before Santana got the chance to say or do anything else Quinn mumbled a quick and quiet

"I have to go" and quickly leaving the room keeping her head down.

Thankfully Santana didn't seem to realize that Rachel was even sitting there listening and watching the two. Once the Latina gathered her things and left Rachel grabbed her thing's leaving the choir room, down the corridor and out of the school as her mind flooded with thoughts about Quinn and her now odd behavior on her drive home.

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