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Lucy woke up with a massive headache what had happened last night ? She couldn't remember slowly and carefully Lucy got out of bed she noticed she wasn't in Rachel's room like she normally was but didn't question it as she walked out of the room and walked downstairs to find all three Berry's in the kitchen. Almost instantly they all turned and looked at her " Lucy...hey how'd you sleep ? " LeRory asked gently as he grabbed some pain meds and water for her " I-...what happened last night ?..." She asked them sitting down she saw that Rachel wouldn't look at her but why ?..." What do you remember from last night Lucy ? " Hiram asked handing her the medicine " Nothing...at least not right now.." She told them and took the medicine and drank some of the water " Lucy you got really drunk and high last night bc Rachel upset you " Hiram told her and it was almost as if she was slapped in the face she started remembering everything going to the house Rachel being insensitive leaving the house...going to the bar...seeing Santana the thought of Santana made her feel sick. Santana had hurt Lucy in many ways being with the Latina wasn't a safe place for her anymore it was a dangerous one..." Did I say anything abt Santana last night ?...." Lucy asked them she was panicking she really hoped the part where she saw Santana was just a dream " Yes..you said you saw her and you had fun and you both got drunk and high...and that you might've kissed " LeRory told her. Lucy got up quickly and ran upstairs knocking over the glass of water in the process she needed to get out of here she couldn't stay here they knew to much and Santana could come after her so Lucy quickly took a shower and got dressed she couldn't tell the Berry's she was leaving they'd try to send Rachel with her or ask where she was going so she quietly opened the guest room window and climbed out making sure to close the window before jumping to the ground. Truthfully Lucy had no plan but she knew she had to leave and get away so she began running going wherever her legs would take her she wasn't sure when but at some point tears were running down her face as everything she's been through just this year began going through her head. Lucy had gotten so caught up in her thoughts that she was no longer paying attention to her surroundings and noises around her and bc of this she didn't realize she'd ran out into the road nor did she hear a car honking all she knew was one moment she was running and the next moment everything was black.

The three Berry's were sat on the couch watching tv they'd decided to leave Lucy for a minute to gather her thoughts and get cleaned up they figured this was all really hard for her they all groaned when the episode of their show was cut short by breaking news " Breaking News ! A 16 year old blonde female was hit just a few moments ago and us now being rushed to the hospital ! The teenager has been identified as Quinn Fabray " The lady on the tv said and they all froze that couldn't have been true Lucy was upstairs immediately Hiram got up and ran upstairs to the chest room only to see that Lucy wasn't there he ran back downstairs and looked at his family " She's not here...that..that really is her we need to go " Hiram told his family and they all ran out of the house.


Rachel didn't know how long they'd been sitting in the waiting room all she knew was that she wanted to see Lucy she'd said such awful things to her and what if she never gets the chance to apologize to her ? Rachel could feel the guilt eating away at her and she tried to ignore it but she couldn't this was mostly her fault she looked over at her dads that were obviously trying their best to stay calm then she looked over at Frannie who was clearly stressed out and worried for her little sister but she was also upset with Rachel for what she'd said to her sister the previous day. Rachel sighed as she sat back down in her seat her leg bouncing uncontrollably this was awful why were they taking so long to tell them abt Lucy ?! Just as Rachel was abt to go speak with a nurse the doctor walked out and Frannie immediately went to the doctor Rachel watched as tears streamed down Frannie's face as the doctor spoke to her and Rachel's mind immediately went to the worst possible outcome for Lucy and she just hoped what she was thinking wasn't true.

Finally Frannie walked over to them " Lucy's stable at the moment ...she needed surgery on her ribs and her shoulder...she did brake her leg and ofc she has cuts and bruises...she lost a lot of blood and she still hasn't woken up yet...bc the impact was so hard " Frannie told them sadly and Rachel couldn't stop the tears from falling from her eyes this wasn't supposed to happen hadn't Lucy been through enough already ?! This wasn't fair none of it was fair " He says we can see Lucy when we're ready she's in room 305 " Frannie said and walked in the direction of the elevator to go to Lucy's room. Rachel's mind raced as she cried she couldn't handle this it was all so much at once and it all seemed to be her fault the thought of ever losing Lucy made her chest hurt she felt sick the guilt was really starting to get to her.

Eventually Rachel got up and made her way to Lucy's room. Slowly Rachel walked into Lucy's room her breath getting caught in her throat seeing all the things Lucy was connected to all the bandages on her all the cuts and bruises the sound of beeping drew Rachel's eyes to Lucy's heart monitor tho her heartbeat was there it wasn't consistent it was slow that only made Rachel all the more worried for her blonde friend. Rachel stood beside Lucy and looked at her tears streaming down her face " I'm so sorry Lucy..." Rachel said quietly as she looked at Lucy " You don't deserve this....and...I know this is all my fault you wouldn't have gotten drunk last night you wouldn't have been out this morning and you wouldn't have gotten hit if I hadn't said all those awful things..I said such awful things and I am so so terribly sorry Luce...your my best friend and I don't wanna lose you I couldn't bare lose you I'd hate myself forever if I lost you after what I said...I'm begging you Lucy...please wake up " Rachel said as she wiped her tears.


As the day dragged on they all had their alone time with Lucy and Rachel didn't want to leave she didn't want to stay with Lucy in case she woke up but her fathers said she needed to be home and that Frannie would be there with Lucy throughout the night so here she sat on her bed after having dinner and taking a shower. Rachel watched ' Hey Arnold ' as she sat in bed she hoped this would distract her from everything that had happened that day she wanted to forget but she couldn't her entire room remained her of Lucy her books were on the desk her spare glasses were on the nightstand. Rachel sighed and laid down and tried her best to focus on the tv and I guess at some point it must've worked bc Rachel dozed off and fell asleep

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