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The newfound trio of McKinley walked into school on a rather gloomy Monday morning. Over the weekend they'd slowly gotten Lucy ti begin eating again and she agreed to begin discussing her feelings to them as well so they can know what's going on and be able to help her. Though Lucy was loving her newfound friendship with Santana Rachel hated it and she'd been holding her tongue for days now so that she wouldn't upset Lucy but right now the Latina was driving her to the edge yes Lucy was smiling and laughing but she wasn't laughing with her she was laughing with Santana. Rachel watched as the two girls reminisced over their Cheerios days as they walked to Rachel and Lucy's lockers that was until Rachel stopped in the middle of the hallway causing both Santana and Lucy to stop and look at her " You alright Rachel ? " Santana asked she had to admit she'd began to care for the brunette and she'd thought that Rachel was coming around so she was shocked when the shorter girl glared at her " Stop this Santana and I want you to stop it right now !! " Rachel screamed as she looked at the Latina who looked genuinely confused " Stop what Rachel I'm not doing anything " Santana said with a confused expression " Stop all of this with Lucy !! You don't like her ! You think she'd weird !! Y-you bullied her !! Why are you doing this ?!! Why are you trying to hurt her again ?! Your no good Santana and I know for a fact that you have an angle !! You have a motive !! " Rachel screamed at the Latina by now everyone was watching them " Rae stop Tana isn't doing anything wrong " Lucy said in an attempt to calm her best friend down " Motive ? Why would I have a motive ?..Q and I were friends and I ruined that...so now I'm fixing that and making up for lost time " Santana told her " YOU HAVE A MOTIVE BC YOU STILL LIKE HER !!! YOU STILL HAVE A CRUSH ON HER !!! " Rachel yelled as her face turned a deep shade of red. Santana froze in her spot as her eyes filled with tears as she heard many gasps from the students around her. Rachel quickly covered her mouth after realizing what she'd just done she watched as the teary eyed Latina pushed her way through the crowd and ran down the hallway " Santana wa- " Rachel started to say before a delicate hand pushed her back when she looked up she was met with the angry eyes of Lucy " Don't you go near her I have told you time and time again that Tana meant nothing but good things she has apologized over and over just so that you could believe her she has made an effort to your friend...and this is what you do to her ?...Don't come and look for me Rachel bc I'm angry with you..I hope your very happy with yourself " Lucy said before running down the hallway to find the Latina.

Rachel sighed quietly as she sat in her third class of the day she hadn't seen Lucy or Santana since this morning and she really wanted to apologize to the Latina she hadn't meant to say what she said she hadn't meant to out her to the entire school she was just angry and she wasn't thinking and now she was pretty sure her best friend hated her.


Rachel walked out of school to her daddy's car as he waited for her and Lucy. On her way out she saw Lucy and Santana hugging before Santana walked away " Hey L- " Rachel stopped talking when Lucy just walked out of the school. Rachel released a breath in frustration as she walked out of the school and to her daddy's car " Hey girls how was school ? " LeRory asked as they got in the car " I skipped all my classes " Lucy told him as she buckled up " Why ? We talked abt this Lucy you need to attend all your classes " LeRory said " I had to help Tana she needed me I needed to be there for her as her friend " the blonde said looking out the window " What was so bad that you needed to skip all of your classes ? " He asked while driving and he was surprised when he didn't receive an answer from the young blonde he noticed the way she glared at his daughter and the way his daughter had a guilty look on her face.

LeRory parked the car in the driveway and turned and looked at Lucy " Okay I'm asking one more time...what was so important that you needed to skip all of your classes ? " He asked and rose his eyebrows as the blonde rolled her eyes " Why don't you ask Rachel " Lucy told him as she got out the car and made her way inside. LeRory turned his attention to his daughter " What happened ? " He asked her seriously " I-...I did something really bad daddy..." Rachel told him as she played with her fingers " What did you do ? " LeRory asked her softly sensing his daughter's nervousness " I-...I outed Santana..I didn't mean to ! I was just so angry that she was taking Lucy away from me ! She...she has to have some motive to suddenly wanna be her friend again ! A-and it just slipped out of enough and now Lucy hates me ! " Rachel said to her daddy as tears welled up in her eyes " It's just...they were talking and laughing and she looked to happy with her ! She's usually like that with me and no one else Santana was taking her away from me daddy ! " She continued as tears spilled from her eyes. LeRory looked at his daughter in shock over the information he'd just received " Rachel...I-...I can't help you out of this one you outed her to your entire school...all bc you felt jealous " he told her softly and Rachel looked at him confused " Jealous ? I'm not jealous " She said quickly " Yea you are tell me how you feel abt Santana and Lucy's relationship " LeRory said " I hate it ! Santana's always giving her hugs and Lucy smiles at her ! They laugh together ! I've caught Lucy texting her before bed ! They...they have nicknames for each other ! They know each other's favorite foods ! " Rachel exclaimed to her daddy " Yea Rachel that's jealousy...tell me this do you have feelings for Lucy ? " LeRory asked her and it was almost as if everything just didn't make sense anymore to Rachel " I...I don't know..." Rachel said honestly she had no idea that hadn't even registered in her mind " Then it seems like you have a lot to think abt " LeRory told his daughter as he got out the car leaving his daughter alone with her thoughts.


Rachel took a deep breath as she knocked on the door to the Lopez home. The home itself was beautiful from the outside and it was rather big she'd noticed that Santana's car was the only one in the driveway so she wasn't that surprised when the puffy eyed Latina was the one to answer the door " Um..Hi Santana may I please come inside ? " Rachel said politely. Santana looked at the sort girl contemplating on if she should let her in but ultimately decided she'd let her in.

Rachel looked at Santana as the Latina sat across from her  " I came to apologize to you Santana...I was rude to you..incredibly rude...I was angry...confused...but none of that matters and it's not an excuse for what I did either...I'm sorry I outed you Santana...I'm sorry I've been giving you the cold shoulder...you've been nothing but nice to me since you've apologized to Lucy and..truthfully I wasn't sure why I was so annoyed with how close you seemed to be with Lucy...but I've done a lot of thinking in the past few hours and I've determined that I was jealous of your relationship with Lucy bc I felt as tho you were taking her away from me..and I didn't want that bc..." Rachel looked away from the Latina as she released a heavy sigh " Bc I have feelings for Lucy...very strong feelings that I didn't even realize I was having til now...and..instead of trying to deal with said feelings I took it out on you...and that was wrong of me...I completely understand if you hate me or wanna best me up...bc I deserve it..." Rachel said as she looked back at the Latina who had tears in her eyes " Oh god did I say something wrong ?! I'm so sorry " Rachel quickly apologized and was confused when the usually feisty Latina laughed a little " Thank You Rachel...really it means a lot that you came all the way to my house to apologize to me...I was pretty shocked you said it..especially since you have two dads...but I can tell that your apology is genuine...and you mean what your saying...I love Q but not in that way not that she'd date me anyway she...well never mind but...I do hope you know how much you upset her when you did that...she might've cried more than I did " Santana said laughing a little at the blondes actions " She didn't even talk about you today usually she doesn't shut up abt you but anyway I am proud of you for realizing your feelings and even having the courage to tell me that " Santana said. Rachel smiled at the Latina as she stood up and walked to the door with Santana. The two shared a quick hug before Rachel walked outside " Hey Rachel ? " Santana said as Rachel reached her car " Yeah Santana ? " Rachel said looking at the tan girl on the porch " Goof luck on trying to get Q to date you...tho I don't think it'll take much work " Santana said with a small smile. " Alright goodnight Santana " Rachel said as she got in her car " Goodnight Rachel " Santana said before the brunette closed her door.

Rachel smiled happy that she'd fixed her newfound relationship with Santana. The apology had gone far smoother than she'd expected it to but now she had something else to do she needed to talk to Lucy but what she was nervous abt was could she explain this all to her best friend without revealing her feelings ?

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