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Lucy smiled happily as she watched Mercedes sing her song to Sam she thought the two were meant to be once to two were done Rachel immediately walked to the middle of the room "Lucy Q this song is for you" the brunette said smiling softly at her.

The city's sky's
feeling dark tonight

We're back to back
with our heads

Just look at me give
me more tonight

Just give me more
of your love now

Let's set fire to the
lonely night

You're beautiful
when you look at me

Let's give love
another life

'Cause you'll be safe
in these arms of

Just call my name
on the edge of the

And I'll run to you

I'll run to you

I would run to you if
you want me to

Just give me some
kind of reason

I would take the
pain, take it all away

And give it some
kind of meaning

Let's let go, let it be
the star

You know I'm feeling
the same thing

Let's let go of our
broken hearts

'Cause you'll be safe
in these arms of

Just call my name
on the edge of the

And I'll run to you

I'll run to you

Even if it's gonna
break me,love

I'm gonna make my
way to you

Any way it's gonna
take me, love

I run to you

I run to you

Run, run

'Cause you'll be safe
in these arms of

Just call my name
on the edge of the

And I'll run to you

I'll run to you

Even if it's gonna
break me,love

I run to you

Lucy smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks getting up and walking over to the brunette pulling her into a hug "I love you so much" the red head said before pulling away and looking into her chocolate brown eyes "Rach ?..." Lucy said "Yea Luce ?..." Rachel said looking into the girls hazel eyes "W-will you be my girlfriend again ?..." Lucy asked her eyes full of hope. Rachel smiled and nodded "Of course I will Lucy Q" the brunette said and pulled her into kiss. Lucy blushed and pulled away when she heard everyone clapping "Mama !!" Beth squealed causing the red to laugh and pick her up from Santana's lap giving her kisses all over her face "Mama loves you to" Lucy said smiling brightly at the little girl. Rachel laughed and kisses Beth's cheek "Rachie loves you to Beth" she said smiling.

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