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Santana awoke to Lucy and Beth being gone. Quietly she got out of bed and walked downstairs where she found the mother daughter duo on the floor in the living room watching tv. " Hey...Q what are you doing up so early ?.." Santana asked sitting down beside the blonde " Beth was crying...I didn't wanna wake anyone so we went and sat outside for a little bit to calm her down.." Lucy said softly. Santana looked at the two smiling a little at how they were both trying to fight off their sleep " Come on" Santana said bending down and picked up the little redhead." Let's get you both back in bed it's only 5am" the Latina said helping her friend up.

The three went back upstairs and as soon as Santana tried to lay down with Beth her lip began to quiver " Hey shhh..." the brunette said and grabbed her pacifier gently placing it in her mouth. Lucy smiled sleepily watching the two as Santana laid down. Soon enough the three fell back asleep.


Rachel walked into her bedroom after having made breakfast to find the three still asleep. She couldn't help but think they looked adorable "Girls ?...come on it's time to get up.." Rachel said softly gently grabbing the small redhead from between Santana and Lucy. " Guys come on get up" Rachel said as Santana turned over and looked at her while Lucy just groaned. Noticing that Rachel was gonna tell them to get up once again Santana quickly spoke up " yes we heard you we're getting up Rach we'll meet you downstairs get Beth up she's just as bad as Q when it comes to waking up" Santana told the shorter girl as she sat up in bed. " Alright just don't take to long or your breakfast will be cold" Rachel said before turning around and leave the room. 

Santana and Lucy walked into the kitchen and straight to the coffee. Rachel laughed quietly as both girls sipped their coffee " It's sad that coffee is what gets you two going" Rachel said as she fed Beth her bottle " You live off of fruit smoothies" Santana said looking her friend over the rim of her mug " Yea and they're amazing" the brunette replied " Rach...you didn't cook this food" Lucy said looking around at the food on the island " Yes I did" Rachel said avoiding the blondes eyes " Your lying you bought this stuff" Lucy said looking at her best friend who tried to act as if she had no idea what the blonde was talking abt " Fine fine I went and bought it all at the Cafe even the coffee" Rachel admitted " I knew this stuff was to good for you to have made it" Santana said grabbing a croissant and taking a bite. " It's the effort that counts" Lucy said grabbing one for herself. Rachel smiled at her best friend and began eating as well listening as her friends started up a conversation chiming in ever so often. 

Once each girl was done eating they all went upstairs and began getting ready for the day brushing their teeth, washing their faces, putting on fresh clothes, and fixing their hair, and getting little Beth dressed. After they all finished getting ready and put everything away and made Rachel's bed they all went downstairs and into the living room where they began watching ' The Lorax ' while Santana and Rachel had grown up seeing the movie Lucy had never seen it so she and Beth were paying very close attention to the movie. 


After they finished the movie and played with Beth for a little while Lucy put the little girl down for a nap before going in the kitchen to start making lunch. While the blonde made lunch Rachel and Santana cleaned up Beth's toys and looked for something to watch that wasn't for kids "I talked to my daddy abt the court case" Rachel said looking at Santana " What'd he say ?" Santana asked making sure their friend couldn't hear them. " He said things are starting to get really heated and that the trials gonna happen soon like really soon he just hasn't told Luce yet" Rachel replied as she looked at the tv searching for a show or movie " Oh wow that's crazy and good" Santana said. Rachel nodded as Lucy walked back in holding three plates,chips, and drinks for them. Quickly Santana and Rachel moved to help the girl before they all sat down " Q you know I love when you make sandwiches you always know exactly what to put on them" Santana said biting into her sandwich. Lucy blushed at her friends compliment " Thanks Tana" Lucy said as Rachel started the movie 'Booksmart'. The girls laughed constantly throughout the movie and they were rather sad when it ended " That movie was amazing" Lucy said still laughing as they began searching for another movie since Beth was still asleep. 

As time passed the girls watched at least 3 more movies two of them being children movies bc Beth had woken up. they hadn't noticed how late it was until their stomach's began growling so they quickly ordered a Pizza for dinner. Santana turned on 'Matilda' figuring it was a good movie for them as well as Beth. Soon enough the Pizza arrived and the girls dug in enjoying every second of it. Eventually the movie ended so while Rachel and Santana cleaned up everything downstairs Lucy went upstairs and gave Beth and bath and put her in a pair of warm pajamas before making her a bottle. Just as Beth was finishing her bottle Santana and Rachel came upstairs quietly noticing that the little girl was falling asleep. 

Quickly and quietly Santana and Rachel got ready for bed and slid in bed as Santana took the sleeping baby from Lucy's arms giving her the opportunity to to go and get ready for bed as well. Once the blonde returned she settled in bed as well watching the cartoon on Rachel's tv each girl falling asleep one by one. 

This was a pretty short chapter so sorry 

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