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Santana watched her best friend as the girl sat at her desk working on her homework just after putting Beth to bed. She'd watched Lucy push her own feelings about her breakup aside to make sure everyone else was okay and getting what they needed as opposed to taking care of herself and she couldn't stand to sit and watch it anymore for nearly a month she'd had to sit and watch her best friend put herself last. While everyone else thought the young mother was handling the breakup well she knew better she saw right through the act the red head was putting on and she was gonna do something about it.

Quietly Santana walked into her best friend's room "Q ?...can we talk ?" She asked looking over the papers and books spread across the desk "You should be getting ready for work Tana...plus I need to finish my homework" the hazel eyed girl said "I took the night off and you can finish that when we're done I promise" she said, silently praying her best friend would agree. "Fine San what do you wanna talk about ?" Lucy asked. "Not in here I don't wanna wake up Beth" the raven haired girl said and with a quiet sigh Lucy followed the girl into the living room taking a seat on the couch "So what do you wanna talk about ?" Lucy asked looking at her best friend with tired eyes.

"How are you doing ?" the latina asked eyeing the girl closely "Fine...you know Beth's getting better with her sign language and she's feeling a whole lot better than she did a few days ago" Lucy said frowning when her best friend shook her head "That's not what I asked you Lucy...I asked how are you doing" Santana asked once again. "I said I'm fine why are you doing this ?" Lucy asked furrowing her brows in confusion "Are you really fine ? Or are you just saying that to end this conversation and drown yourself in homework that isn't due for another two weeks so you don't have to think about yourself and your feelings" she said.

Lucy looked away from the raven haired girl as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her hoodie "You have been so busy taking care of Beth, taking care of me, drowning yourself in your school work, making sure everyone is okay back home that you haven't taken one second to deal with your breakup with Rachel" Santana said continuing to watch the girl closely "And it's not because you don't care that she broke up with you because you do...in fact you probably care a lot more than you'd ever show or say...you're ignoring this breakup because you're hurt and you don't wanna admit that someone you love and care for so much has ultimately broken your heart and left you despite them promising to never hurt you or leave you ever." the dark eyes drown eyed girl said.

"You're trying to be strong for little B because you don't want her to see you the way you saw your mother...but Q...it's okay to cry and have some time to yourself..." Santana said the hazel eyes finally meeting her own dark brown eyes "It's okay..." she repeated softly, instantly wrapping her arms around the girl when she burst into tears her body trembling as she finally let out the tears she'd been holding in since that faithful night. Santana rubbed the girls back whispering sweet nothings into her ear as she sobbed.

The latina knew how the girl felt she and Brittany had just broken up not to long before they had and she'd been devastated despite the breakup being a mutual decision and Lucy had been there for her every step of way whether it was her ranting in the middle of the night or having the red head crawl into bed with her and hold her ass he cried her eyes out until there were no tears left. Lucy had always been there for her and now was her turn to be there for her best friend before she hurt herself even more than she already had.

"I've got you Q...it's okay" she whispered once again kissing the girls head.


The two ended up spending the entire night on the couch, Lucy has cried herself to sleep and Santana fell asleep at some point as well but the sound of her phone ringing woke her up as she blindly reached for her phone and answered "Hello ?..." she said groggily as she rubbed at her eyes and unblur her vision "Santana ? Hey are you girls okay no ones heard from you all day" the voice on the other end said that she quickly identified as LeRory "We're fine...it's so early why are you calling so early ?" she asked with a groan.

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