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Rachel woke up to the sound of her alarm and she quickly shut it off not wanting to wake Lucy. Honestly she was tired Lucy's nightmares woke her up constantly throughout the night but she wasn't gonna complain Frannie had warned her abt these nightmares so she got out of bed and immediately changed into her workout clothes and slipped on her tennis shoes and pulling her hair into a tight ponytail. Rachel quietly left her room and walked downstairs to see a note from her dads saying they'd gone to the store really quick to grab a few things for the house and Lucy she smiled softly and walked outside and began her run. As Rachel ran she hopped that school would be better today and remembered that she needed to speak with Sue abt what had happened with Mr.Shue yesterday but she wasn't sure how she'd do that without leaving Lucy alone but she knew she'd figure it out so she tried not to worry abt it and continued running watching her surroundings soon enough she made it back home and went inside and straight up to her room. Rachel removed her shoes and quietly went in her bathroom and turned on her shower quickly she put her hair in a bun and removed her clothes before stepping in the shower Lucy's face made Rachel burst out in laughter " Why do you have so much energy so early in the morning..." Lucy asked her as she slowly sat up in bed " Lucy I've been up for an hour I went for a run, took a shower and got ready " Rachel told her and Quinn was shocked but still she got up and walked to the bathroom after grabbing her clothes Rachel just smiled and made her bed quickly then walked downstairs " Good morning daddy and dad " She told her fathers as she sat down at the island grabbing her oatmeal and OJ from her dad " Morning Rachel " Her dads said and she began to eat her breakfast all of them falling into a conversation and Rachel watched her daddy as he fixed Lucy a bowl of cereal and apple juice right when he sat her food down she walked into the kitchen " Good morning Lucy " LeRory said and Rachel just took in her outfit it was different than Lucy's normal attire she was wearing a t-shirt and light washed jeans she could see the purple bruises on her arms " Um...Good morning Mr and Mr.Berry..." Lucy said shyly " Come and sit your breakfast is ready for you and please call us Hiram and LeRory " Hiram told the blonde girl. Lucy walked over to the island and sat down looking at her breakfast no one usually made breakfast for her in fact she usually didn't have enough time to eat breakfast " Thank you Mr-...LeRory..and uh Hiram " She said and it felt weird she hadn't been raised to speak to adults by using their first names. The Berry's fell into a conversation and Lucy just sat and listened as she ate her cereal her family didn't do this it was more of listening to her father talk and my mother going along with him and making sure his drink stayed full and if I spoke I was kicked under the table or sent to my room this was different Rachel was allowed to speak freely with her fathers and smile and laugh but she hadn't ever been aloud to do that. Lucy was so deep in thought that she didn't hear LeRory speaking to her until Rachel nudged her shoulder " I'm sorry...w-what did you say ?.." She asked him softly and quietly he just smiled and said " I asked how you slept last night " He asked her again this was weird to her why were they so interested in how she slept or the things that she did ? Before she could even stop herself she said " Why do you wanna know ? Why are you all so interested in how I slept ? " She asked looking at them and almost immediately regretted it and to her the first thugs that flashed in her mind was a beating that's how her father would react to what she said " We're just curious Lucy we ask Rachel that every morning " Hiram said and they all were a bit confused by the blonde's outburst it was just a simple question after all " I'm so sorry....I-...I'll make dinner to make it up to you all " She said looking down at her hands seeing that they were trembling " You don't have to do any of that it's okay " LeRory told her but they were a bit surprised she could cook Rachel was only limited to making certain foods " Wait you can cook ? " Hiram asked her and Lucy just nodded slowly " Well yea...everyone start's learning how to cook from the age of 5..." She told them and they were all surprised by the age she'd said " Um what was the first dish you made ? " LeRory asked her and without any hesitation she answered " Chicken every kind " And they were all really shocked " What was the first desert you made ? " LeRory asked her and once again without hesitation she said " Pineapple upside down cake and Apple Pie "And  they were still shocked how had she made such things at the age of 5 ? " That's insane....Rachel can barely make a sandwich " Hiram said " Dad ! That is not true I can make a pretty good salad in fact I made one for dinner the other day " She told him crossing her arms which only made him laugh. Lucy was shocked she'd been able to talk to her father that way without any consequences but she tried to ignore it as she grabbed her medication from LeRory and took it " Alright we have to go so we aren't late for school let's go Luce " Rachel said getting up from her seat " Bye girls have a good day " the Berry men said and Lucy watched as they each kissed Rachel on the cheek and saw them coming for her and her heart rate quickened they were gonna hurt her she thought but all they'd done was hug her " Bye dads " Rachel said and walked outside to her car Lucy following behind her once she was let out of her hug the only people that hugged her were Frannie and Rachel she sighed as she got in Rachel's car and let the music from the radio take over her mind.

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