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Rachel sighed to herself as she watched Lucy's attention once again drift to Beth instead of the cookies she was teaching her to make. They'd had the one year old for two weeks straight Shelby claiming she was too busy with work and it needed her undivided attention. It frustrated the brunette for many of reasons the first one being that it was draining Lucy each day the girl looked more and more tired than she had two weeks prior, another thing was that Shelby was Beth's adoptive mother she'd signed the papers and everything yet the Fabray-Berry-Lopez family were the ones taking care of her and lastly it was taking her time away from her girlfriend. She loved Beth truly she did but if Lucy's attention wasn't on the one year old it was on her school work or she was cooking or baking or trying to fit in a nap while Beth was napping or preoccupied and to top it all off she was still trying to get the little girl to walk on her own and begin eating solid foods as well as find a specialist to see if the little girl had autism.

The brunette watched her girlfriend as she tried to calm down the crying toddler "Hey I can finish these on my own while you get her settled" Rachel told her "Oh are you sure ? I can get her down for a nap really quick and come back" Lucy said as she swayed in hopes it'd calm down her daughter "Yeah it's okay take your time" the chocolate eyed girl said sending her a reassuring smile. Rachel watched her girlfriend leave the kitchen as she bounced Beth in her arms before she returned to making the cookie dough reading the instructions Lucy had written out for her. Just as she finished making the dough the doorbell rang so she quickly cleaned her hands and quietly went to answer the door trying her best not to seem annoyed that it was Shelby "Shelby hi are you here to get Beth ?" Rachel asked with the fakest smile she could muster "Actually I'm here to talk to Quinn" Shelby said smiling when the tired young red head walked up behind Rachel "Shelby hey I just got Beth down but I can gather her things and get her in the car swiftly and quietly" Lucy said giving her a tired smile "Well...actually I was wondering if you could keep Beth for a few more days ?" Shelby asked with hopeful eyes. Immediately Rachel was ready to protest but her girlfriends soft voice stopped her "Yeah sure Shelby that's fine" Lucy said biting back a yawn. "Great thank you so much uh call me if anything goes wrong" Shelby said. " Okay. Oh hey ya know Beth sa-..." the red head stopped talking when she noticed the woman dashing back to her car.

With an annoyed groan Rachel closed the door and walked with Lucy to the kitchen "Hey Rach ?" the hazel eyed girl said looking at her "Yea Lucy ?" she said looking at the girl "Um...I- I know we're supposed to be making those cookies together but I really need to start my book report while Beth is asleep...it's just it's already past due and I really need to get it done" Lucy said. Looking at her Rachel nodded "It's alright go ahead" the brunette said "Thanks Rachel" Lucy said before quickly going upstairs to her girlfriends room. Frowning the brunette began to roll the cookie dough and place them on the pan before placing them in the oven. As she waited she grabbed the ingredients she used and began putting them away in their respective places being sure to be quiet so she wouldn't wake Beth.


Right as Rachel pulled the cookies out of the oven she heard a voice "Quinnnnn, Rachellll where are you guys ?" the voice said attempting to sound scary "I'm in the kitchen San" Rachel said smiling when the girl walked in the kitchen "Hey watcha doing ?" Santana asked sitting down on one of the stools at the counter "I am making cookies" the brunette said. Santana eyed her skeptically "You made cookies by yourself ? That can't be good" the raven haired girl said "Well I was supposed to be making them with Lucy but her attention kept going to Beth so I ended up doing it by myself" Rachel told her causing the older girl to frown "I thought Shelby was getting little B yesterday or today" Santana said as she furrowed her brows in confusion. "She was just here a little while ago and asked Luce to keep her for a few more days I was about to tell her off but Luce accepted it before I could say anything" the shorter girl said "How has Q been with dealing with this all ?" Santana asked curiously "Not well, she's exhausted Santana if she isn't tending to Beth then she's working on school work or cooking or something" the brunette said "And where are the two now ?" the brown eyed girl asked "Beth is napping in the living room in her playpen and Lucy just went upstairs a little bit ago to start her book report" Rachel told her. "I'm going to check on her" the Latina said as she stood up before leaving the kitchen.

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