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Lucy and Rachel walked into their first class both smiling and talking away. The previous night had been difficult mostly bc of Hiram and his remarks but other than that the night had gone fine. " I'm so happy it's starting to get cold out " Lucy said as she sat down in her seat " Me to ! I love autumn it's my favorite season " Rachel said with a smile " I know " Lucy said with a giggle which surprised Rachel she didn't remember telling her best friend this " I know bc you said it once in chemistry last year " the happy blonde told her and Rachel was stunned she had no idea Lucy had remembered that her old friends couldn't even remember her favorite color let alone her favorite season. " Awe Luce I can't believe you remember that " Rachel said as she wrapped her best friend in a tight warm hug " I love you so much Lucy Q " the brunette said placing a kiss on Lucy's cheek.

Neither girl noticed the skeptical looks they were receiving from Kurt,Mercedes and Tina as they continued to talk and laugh throughout the class period each girl giving the other an occasional kiss on the cheek from time to time. As the bell rang both girls gathered their things to go to their next class. " Hey Rach I have to use the bathroom but I'll meet you in class okay ? " Lucy said looking at her best friend who seemed nervous to let her go alone " I'll be fine Rae I promise I won't take long " Lucy said as she handed the slightly shorter girl her binder " Okay just be quick please text me if you need anything " Rachel said with a small smile. She watched her friend turn and walk towards the bathroom and sighed before walking to their next class.

Lucy walked out of the stall and made her way over to the sink until she heard something. At first she thought she was just hearing things they did live in Ohio after all that was until she heard it again and she wasn't just hearing things what she'd heard was real...those gun shots she'd just heard were real. Quickly Lucy rushed into a stall and quietly locked the door and sat on the toilet pulling her knees to her chest. She could feel her heart beating at a mile a second her hands were shaking her breathing was ragged her mind raced as she pulled her phone from her pocket and began to text Frannie

Fran 🤪💝 : Hey Fran it's me Lucy listen there's a shooting going on and I just want you to know I love you more than anything in this whole world and I'm sorry you dropped out of college for me I'm sorry you never got to really date anyone bc of me I'm sorry you always had to drop what you were doing to protect me. I'm incredibly thankful for you Frannie and I hope you never ever forget me I love you so so much. ❤️

As soon as Lucy sent the text she heard the bathroom door open and in that moment she knew her life was over as she knew it bad she just hoped that anyone she'd ever hurt didn't hate her.

Meanwhile Rachel was a reck she was had been trying to think of ways to get to her best friend. Rachel pulled away from Mike Chang and stood up immediately running for the door " Rachel Berry sit down ! "  Mrs.Davis whisper yelled at her " No I- I need to help Lucy she's..she's in that bathroom all by herself " Rachel sobbed as Mike Chang brought her back to their spot in the corner. Rachel continued to sob into the boys chest as he rubbed her back the more screams she heard the harder she cried she needed to be with Lucy she needed to know if she was okay.

Lucy stayed silent as she watched the footsteps from under the stall trying her best to control her breathing " Quinn ?...Lucy ? Sweetie it's okay you can come out I've got you I promise " The voice said and Lucy knew that voice instantly and she immediately stepped off the toilet and opened the stall falling in the adults arms sobbing " Sue..." Lucy mumbled as the cheerleading coach picked her up " Shh...it's okay I got you I promise..." Sue said rubbing the young blondes back and quietly walked out of the bathroom. Quickly but quietly Sue walked to her office and went inside she'd always been close with the young blonde and she knew all there was to know abt her which is why she knew that Lucy was in the midst of an asthma attack so she sat Lucy down and opened one of the drawers to her desk and grabbed the inhaler she knew Lucy couldn't hold it herself she was shaking far to much so she opened it and helped the blonde take the puffs she needed before putting it away " Sue...I-..where's Rae ?..." Lucy said looking at the women as she cried she wanted her best friend. " I would hope and assume Rachel is in a classroom okay ?...she's going to be okay I promise you she will " The women said as she wrapped the crying blonde in a hug. Truthfully the coach had always seen Lucy as a daughter to her from the moment she met the girl she reminded her a lot of herself when she was her age. All she could do now was hold the blonde whispers sweet things into her ear to keep her calm and just hope the shooter wouldn't come to her office.

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