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Lucy listened to Sue as she talked to the glee club on a chilly Monday afternoon they had enough members to compete at sectionals after some Cheerios joined as well as Azimio and Karofsky. She had gone the entire weekend not speaking verbally to anyone other than Burt. Slowly Lucy raised her hand and gave Sue a look, when the woman smiled and moved back Lucy stood up and took her place in front of everyone and nodded towards the band to start.

If anyone asks, I'll
tell them we both
just moved on

Wren people all
stare, I'll pretend
that I don't hear
them talk

Whenever I see you,
I'll swallow my pride
and bite my tongue

Pretend I'm okay
with it all

Act like there's
nothin' wrong

Is it over yet ?

Can I open my eyes

Is this as hard as
it gets ?

Is this what it
feels like to really cry ?


If anyone asks, I'll
tell them we just
grew apart
( I'll tell them we just
grew apart )

Mm, what do I care if
they believe me or
not ?
( If they believe me
or not )

Whenever I feel your
memory is breaking
my heart

I'll pretend I'm okay
with it all

Act like there's
nothin' wrong

Is it over yet ?

Can I open my eyes ?

Is this as hard as
it gets ?

Is this what it feels like to really cry ?


I'm talkin' in circles

I'm lyin' they know it

Why won't this just
all go away ?

Is it over yet ?

Can I open my eyes ?

Is this as hard as
it gets ?

Is this what it feels
like to really cry ?



As Lucy finished singing so many memories from her childhood flashed through her mind as the tears rolled down the blonde's cheeks she turned around and left the room as fast as possible ignoring her friends calling her name as she ran down the hallway and out of the school doors in tears.


The blonde sat on the wooden floor of what used to be her bedroom as she thought abt her life since moving to Lima

Flashback :

Quinn smiled happily as she walked inside after having spent the afternoon with her new friends Santana and Brittany. They'd gone and gotten their nails done together and got smoothies but now it was time to go do her homework " Quinn ! " Judy yelled coming from the kitchen " Where have been you been ?! Why do you look so happy ?!" Judy asked observing the blonde " Oh I went and got my nails done and got smoothies with Santana and Britt-.." Quinn was immediately cut off by her mothers hand coming in contact with her face " You know damn well your not allowed to do those things ! Especially without permission ! And you've had that smoothie now look at you ! Your getting fatter Quinn !! You look like a pig !" Just yelled as her daughters eyes filled with tears " Now get your ass upstairs and don't come out til I say so !!" The woman screamed and watched as her daughter went upstairs to her bedroom before returning to the kitchen.

Quinn had been sat at her desk trying to do her homework for 30 minutes but she couldn't stop her tears or stop her hands from shaking. Dropping her pencil Quinn grabbed her phone and called her big sister " Hey Lucy what's up ?" Frannie said " Fran ?..." Quinn whimpered quietly " Lucy ? Sweetie what's wrong ? What happened ?" Frannie asked her voice full of worry " Mom...mom slapped me..and...she said I'm getting fatter..I-...I just went to get my nails done and get smoothies after school...I was just hanging out with my friends..." Quinn cried and it broke Frannie's heart hearing the pain in her baby sisters voice " It's okay...calm okay I'm gonna get your out of there okay ?...in trying Lucy I promise.." Frannie said softly and just then Quinn heard her fathers voice " That isn't even our child !" Quinn heard Russell say as he made his way up the stairs " Fran I have to go...love you..bye.." Quinn said and hung up quickly hiding her phone and cleaning her face and went back to her homework sighing quietly when her father passed her bedroom.

End of Flashback

Lucy stood up from her spot on the floor and ran downstairs straight into her fathers study and began looking through every single thing in there until she found what she was looking for a binder with her name on it and the very first thing she found was a contract. The contract stated that Russel and Judy Fabray would keep Lucy until her mother returned from college to get her back and three names were signed at the bottom Judy,Russel and Evelyn Fabray....was that her mother ?..Lucy slowly looked through the binder and stumbled upon three different birth certificates one that had her name Lucy Quinn Fabray and with Evelyn Fabray listen as her mother the father spot was empty the other had the same thing except Judy and Russel were listen as her parents and on the last one it just said Quinn Fabray and Judy and Russel were listed as her parents. As Lucy continued looking around something fell from one of the books quickly Lucy picked it up to find a number...not just an ordinary number...it was Evelyn's phone number. Lucy grabbed the binder and put the phone number inside before quickly leaving and running to the Berry home.

Lucy ran inside and straight to the guest room and locked the door behind her. If she wanted to get anything done she'd need to be left alone and what she was abt to do could help her find out so much more than she already knew.

Sorry this is a really short chapter 💓

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