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Lucy smiled happily as she walked down the hallway with her girlfriend hand in hand. While the red head was happy to be with her girlfriend and loved that the Glee Club knew about their relationship and accepted them but she was also sad because after going out to eat with Santana the girl has been ignoring her since she dropped her and Rachel off. "What's the matter Lucy Q ?" Rachel asked seeing the frown on her face "Tana has been ignoring me since she dropped us off yesterday...it's like she's avoiding me..." Lucy told her sadly. Rachel rubbed her back sympathetically "I'm sure she's just busy Luce give her some time" the brunette told her. "or maybe she doesn't wanna be my friend anymore.." the hazel eyed girl said Rachel sighed but quickly smiled when she saw Santana "Look San is coming over to us right now" the brown eyed girl said. Lucy looked up and smiled when she saw her best friend "Oh there you are I've been looking for you two everywhere !" Santana exclaimed "Come on to the choir room" the latina said grabbing their hands and going to the choir room.

Lucy looked at her best friend skeptically as she looked at the three stools sat in the front of the room Mercedes and Tina were sat on two of them. "Tana what's going on" the red head asked "Just sit down we have something for you" Santana told her moving to sit on her stool "But why is Tina here ? She's not in Glee club" Lucy said curiously "Just listen please" the slightly taller girl said. Lucy nodded and gave them her full attention. "Quinn...when I first met you freshman year I thought you were sweet you always seemed nicer than the people you surrounded yourself with...but then you began acting like them to...throwing slushes...giving people awful nicknames and more...and so I figured all that sweetness you showed before was just a front it was all fake...and I began gossiping about you everyone who wasn't popular was...you were named ' the straight rich white bitch'...people called you 'Barbie'....and I laughed and joined in every time...but then you got pregnant and you were no longer popular...you weren't throwing slushes...you weren't calling people names....you were just here...then you moved in with me and I realized you weren't rude at all in fact you were incredibly sweet...and I won't lie a few things you did concerned me...but I didn't question it...throughout the rest of that year I saw you as a person...but then over the summer you shut everyone out...so of course my mind instantly went back to everything from the previous year was fake...and so when school started back this year and you weren't on the Cherrios anymore...so I took the opportunity to get right back on the gossip...spreading all kinds of rumors..." Mercedes said as she looked at the girl

Mercedes released a breath before continuing "Then we all started hearing about you being abused...and I mean it all just seemed so strange it didn't make any sense...we never saw any bruises...we never saw you look unhappy...and to us it was...the little rich white girl is saying her daddy abused her for attention...but then we heard about the night Russel broke into the house...and heard he raped you...we heard Rachel making the phone call...and for me that's kinda when I began to believe it all...after hearing abt you taking your parents to court and hearing Rachel scream us all about it...hearing you speak about it...it was all so real at that point that there was no denying it...anymore you were going through all of that and we'd all just acted like it never happened...and then the shooting...and the stuff with Puck...and you nearly being stabbed in the Berry home...for weeks now I have been trying to figure out how to apologize to you...and then Santana and Tina came to me...while Tina and I came up with an apology together Santana has her own apology...so Quinn I am incredibly sorry for how I've treated you...I was wrong and I wish I could take it all back I pray for it everyday...but I can't all I can do is apologize as many times as I need until you accept my apology weather that takes days, weeks, months or even years...I'll wait for your apology and I'll be here when you're ready to rekindle our friendship." Mercedes said with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry to Quinn...I took part in making up these rumors about you and Rachel...and I wish I'd never taken any part in it...I'm sorry Quinn truly sorry" Tina said wiping away her own tears.

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