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The three girls had planned out how they wanted to do this and apart of the plan was getting Frannie and LeRory out of the house for a number of hours on a Friday night which they'd succeeded at but now they were at ' Lima Memorial Hospital' and the closer they got the more nervous Lucy seemed to get. Slowly the three walked up to the front desk " Um...excuse me ?..." Lucy said softly and she calmed down a little when the woman smiled at her and her friends " Yes how may I help you ?" the woman asked " I-...um my name is Lucy...Lucy Fabray...and I need to see Evelyn Fabray...please" Lucy said. The three girls watched the woman's eyes widen as she called Evelyn down to the front desk " She'll be right with you" the woman said softly. " Thank You" Rachel told the woman smiling politely and went with her friends to sit down.

Lucy sat in between her friends impatiently waiting until they heard a voice " Hey you said someone was asking for me ?" Evelyn said looking at her coworker who pointed at the three girls. Nodding Evelyn walked over to the three " Hello young ladies how may I help you today ?" Evelyn said as the three turns stood and looked at the woman who was a spitting image of Lucy " H-hi...um...y-your Evelyn right ?..." Lucy asked nervously and the woman laughed lightly at the teen's nervousness " Yes I am" Evelyn told her sweetly " Okay...my name is..Lucy...Lucy Quinn Fabray...and...your my mother.." Lucy said trying to control her breathing as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt. " I'm sorry...but my daughter has red hair...and well I haven't seen her in years so.." Evelyn said " No no she's your daughter Lucy had red hair as a child and in her early teens I know I've seen tons of pictures of the adorable little red head" Rachel said causing her best friends cheeks to flair up " Girls I'm sorry but-.." The woman was quickly cut off by Santana " Now you listen to me Evelyn this girl spent 4 days looking you up trying to find whatever the fuck she could find abt you ! She found out that Judy and Russel aren't her parents and you are bc your on the birth certificate ! The original one anyway do not turn her away" Santana said narrowing her eyes at the woman who's eyes widened "Judy and Russel ?...how do any of you know them other than hearing abt them on the news" Evelyn asked looking between the three " Judy and Russel raised me...as well as my big sister Frannie....I-...I'm sure you've heard all abt me and them on the news the past few months..." Lucy told her. " You....your the girl...that J-Judy and Russel a-...abused..." Evelyn said looking at the blonde " Yes...I am...Judy and Russel were beyond awful to me...and I found out 4 days ago that you were my mother...I saw the birth certificate...the contract..." Lucy said looking at the woman. Santana sighed quietly and pulled out the picture of Lucy as a child " I'll talk to you...I'll just leave work early...just um...give me a moment.." Evelyn told them and quickly walked away.


The trio sat across from Evelyn in a booth in the empty diner each nursing a milkshake and sharing fries " What do you wanna know ?..." Evelyn asked looking at the three but mostly at Lucy " Everything...why you gave me up...why you never came back for me...why Judy abs Russel ?.." Lucy said looking at the woman " Well...I didn't give you up and I had full intentions of coming back for you...but when I tried...they wouldn't let me...saying something abt you and the other little girl in the house had grown close or more or so she's grown close to you...but I mean your my child so I kept trying I even got a lawyer but nothing seemed to work...but for 3 years...they'd send me pictures of you in the mail you seemed like a fairly happy child...and so I figured I would leave you be...they had tons of money I didn't have much...I couldn't give you the childhood you deserved.." Evelyn told them " Why Judy and Russel ? How'd you know them ?" Rachel asked curiously " Russel is my big brother..." Evelyn told them sadly " How old were you when you had me ?..." Lucy asked " I was 16 at the end of my Junior year...my pregnancy with you was...crazy I had a lot of complications...you ended up being born early so we both had to stay in the hospital longer than intended...I did keep you myself over the summer I spent every second with you...I remember you got sick...and I was terrified bc you just kept crying and crying and I didn't know why turns out you had the flu...I loved you so much...and when I never got to see you again...it broke me.." Evelyn said sadly " What do you wanna know abt me ?" Lucy asked looking at her " Your hair.." Evelyn said looking over the blonde's hair " Judy and Russel made me dye it blonde before my freshman year started right before we moved to Lima...but my red hair is growing back in" the blonde said " Q is crazy talented she can sing,dance,tumble,play the piano,play the guitar,cook,bake,speak Spanish, do sign language,draw,paint probably some other shit to" Santana said " And she has the highest GPA in our school" Rachel said. " You can do all of that ?!" Evelyn asked and Lucy nodded embarrassingly.


Lucy smiled happily whilst she looked through LeRory's alcohol cabinet both Santana and Rachel watching her with uneasy eyes " Luce...I thought we agreed you were gonna control your alcohol intake" Rachel said watching the blonde pull out a bottle of vodka " Tana ?" the blonde said turning to look at her " Yea Q ?.." Santana asked nervous as to what the blonde was gonna say " Do you have any weed on you ?" Lucy asked her " No Q I don't...I told you we weren't doing that stuff anymore...remember ?.." Santana said and Lucy just shrugged " I'll just ask Puck" the blonde said pulling out her phone and Santana and Rachel froze " Lucy...no..no wait stop Noah's in jail" Rachel said and when the blonde looked at them they noticed something the way her eyes were  glazed over and while Rachel hadn't ever seen her best friend like this Santana has multiple times " Quinn...Quinn hey let's get you something to drink alright ?" Santana said and fixed the blonde a glass of water and handed it to her.

Rachel watched the two and watched as Santana helped the blonde move into the living room. Rachel's eyes filled with tears when she heard her best friends voice " Tana..." Lucy said as tears spilled from her eyes " I know bub...it's okay..." Santana said as she rubbed the blondes back " He didn't want me..." Lucy mumbled into her friends neck as she cried " Lucy...hey sweetheart look at me.." Santana said softly as her best friend looked at her " That's okay...look you have many other father figures..LeRory..my dad...Burt...you have so many others that would drop what their doing to come help you...you don't need some guy that knocked Evelyn up when she was in high school..." Santana told her softly and wiped the blondes tears.

Rachel sighed quietly she'd seen the saddened look in her best friend's eyes when Evelyn explained that Lucy's biological father wanted nothing to to do with her claiming he was to young to be a father her mood shifted drastically from being happy and excited to bring sad and pretending to be happy " Hey...how abt we all go and take our showers and put on our pajamas and then meet back down here grab snacks and turn a movie Lucy's pick" the brunette said looking at them and smiled when Santana nodded " Yea that sounds like a great idea" Santana said. Lucy perked up at the mention of her being able to pick the movie " Can we watch ' The Breakfast Club' ?" Lucy asked a smile growing on her face. Both Rachel and Santana playfully rolled their eyes. The 80's movie had become the blondes new favorite movie and she'd seen it over 15 times in the past month " Sure Q we can watch that" Santana said sitting up and with that said the blonde darted upstairs bumping into the wall multiple times on her way up causing her friends to laugh at the blonde's clumsiness.

After an hour each girl was in the living room the coffee table filled the snacks that varied from popcorn to candy to ice cream. Each girl had their own spot Lucy was in the loveseat, Santana was on the couch, and Rachel was on the floor. Excitedly Lucy turned on the movie and everyone's attention turned to the screen.

As time passed each girl fell asleep one by one Rachel was first, then Lucy, and Santana followed closely behind and that was exactly how Frannie and LeRory found them when they walked into the living room to find each girl asleep with the ending of ' The Breakfast Club' playing on the tv. The adults smiled in awe at the three girls. Carefully LeRory picked up Rachel and Santana and Frannie picked up Lucy. The two carried the girls upstairs and laid them down in their respective beds before going back downstairs with content smiles on their faces. " It seems they had fun" Frannie said as she picked up the girls trash " They definitely did I'm glad tho they're still young they deserve to have fun" LeRory said. Once the two were finished they cleaned themselves up and went to bed as well happy the girls were safe.

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