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Lucy sighed as Frannie helped her put on a fresh change of clothes after a much needed bath she saw the news last night she knew she and Sue were the only ones hurt she knew who the shooter was...and she knew that she was targeted by her father...she knew her case against her parents had been spoken abt on the news and now everyone knew everything they knew abt her rape, the abuse, the withholding of food everything. Frannie looked at her little sister seeing the frown on her face " You don't have to go to school ya know..." Frannie told her she knew her sister and she knew her well enough to know that she was terrified " I'm fine Fran..." Lucy said sending her big sister a sad weak smile " Okay...come on Rachel and LeRory are waiting for us outside..." Frannie said and helped her sister up off the hospital bed.

The Fabray girls walked out of the hospital room and then out of the hospital and to the car Frannie smiled seeing the Berry's and she couldn't help but notice that her sister hadn't smiled when she saw them like she normally did. Lucy's eyes didn't light up like they normally did when she saw Rachel she hadn't run to give her best friend a hug she just slowly walked to the car and got in the backseat. Sure her little sister had been through more than any 16 year old should have but she hadn't ever seen her act this way ever. Normally after a beating Lucy would've tried to sleep but last night she couldn't she couldn't even close her eyes without picturing everything from the previous day she couldn't close her eyes without hearing gunshots and screams she couldn't sleep through her tears. Truthfully Frannie was worried for her baby sister she was concerned so much was happening to her in such a short period of time and she was keeping everything inside instead of telling the people who cared abt her, her feelings. Frannie glanced at her little sister in the back seat watching as she looked out the window with an unreadable expression on her face. As the pulled up to the school Frannie could see the medal detectors she could see the police officers and more importantly she could see her sister's anxiety rising " Okay girls...call us if you need anything okay ? If you don't wanna stay we'll come get you " LeRory said looking back at the girls " Thanks daddy...bye guys..." Rachel said as she got out of the car and helped Lucy out of the car " Bye girls " Frannie said sending them a reassuring smile " Bye Frannie " Rachel said as Lucy just gave them a weak wave before they pulled away.

Rachel could feel her best friends hand shaking the closer they got to the metal detectors. " It's okay Luce " Rachel said giving her hand a squeeze as she set her things down for the officers to check but when she tried to walk away to go through the metal detectors she noticed Lucy wouldn't let her hand go " Luce...hey sweetie it's okay...I'm just going through the metal detector okay ? You'll be right behind me " Rachel said softly and gently rubbing her arm when she felt Lucy let her hand go she walked through the metal detector she watched as Lucy hesitated to sit her stuff down and as she slowly walked through the metal detector except she was a little surprised when it went off she noticed the panicked look on her best friend's face as the officer tried to pull her to the side " No...no let me go " Lucy said attempting to move away from the man and winced he grabbed her hurt arm " Excuse me officer but Lucy's injured...and the metal detector went off bc the doctors didn't get all of the bullet out...so please let her go " Rachel told the man calmly and watched as the man let her best friend go. Quickly Rachel grabbed Lucy's things and grabbed her hand " It's okay...it's okay..." Rachel said softly rubbing her arm. Lucy nodded and walked with Rachel to their lockers she noticed the way the hallway went silent as they walked down the hallway. Rachel grabbed what they needed for their first class and put everything else in their lockers " Alright do you have to use the bathroom or anything ? " Rachel asked her friend and wasn't to surprised when her best friend shook her head no.

Both girls sat in class saying absolutely nothing neither could focus completely in fact Lucy wasn't focusing at all she was tired and scared she could feel herself beginning to doze off until her eyes closed and she heard it again a loud gun shot and her head shot up off Rachel's shoulder " Finn no !! " Lucy screamed as she began breathing heavily. The teacher paused what she was doing as everyone's attention shifted to Lucy truthfully everyone felt bad for the blonde they had no idea she'd been going through so much " Luce it's okay...he isn't here...he's in police custody remember ?..." Rachel said softly rubbing her back. Lucy nodded slowly as she realized she was still in class beside Rachel as she noticed the teacher had stopped to teaching she felt guilty " I-...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to interrupt your lesson..." Lucy stuttered quietly and was surprised when the teacher smiled at her " It's alright Quinn no need to apologize are you alright ? Do you need some water ? " She asked Lucy sweetly " Oh...um s-some water would be nice..." Lucy said quietly and watched as the teacher pulled the water from the mini fridge in her classroom and brought it over to her sending her a reassuring smile.

Rachel smiled softly at the teacher as a thanks as the blonde beside her took a sip of the water the bottle shook in her shaky hands as she carefully sat it down on the table. Soon enough the bell rang and unsurprisingly it had scared Lucy when it rang. Rachel gave her best friend a reassuring hug as they left the classroom and walked to their second class truthfully she wasn't sure how much more of this Lucy could handle her anxiety was through the roof and she wouldn't do anything without Rachel by her side. Rachel carefully sat down in the back of the classroom in her seat being in this classroom felt strange to her now she didn't feel comfortable like she had once before instead she felt like she needed to make sure she knew where all her possible exits and hiding spots were.

Rachel watched as the teacher passed out a worksheet for the class to do she watched as everyone began working on it that was until she saw a certain tan skinned girl walking towards them " I wanna talk to Q " Santana said looking at the blonde who wouldn't look in her direction " Privately " Santana said glaring at Rachel " No whatever you have to say to Lucy you can say in front of me " Rachel said crossing her arms. The once feisty Latina's face softened when she saw the terrified look on what used to be her best friend's face truthfully she'd always hated seeing the blonde this way she preferred to see her smile and laugh even if it wasn't with her " Q...listen I'm sorry okay ? I was shitty to you and you didn't deserve it one bit...I've been thinking up an apology to you for days now but each one I write I through it away bc....those are just some words on a paper and I know that means nothing to you...I didn't mean any of the stuff I said okay ?...I-...Q I came out to my parents..." Santana said and that seemed to catch the blonde's attention bc she turned and looked at the Latina she knew that her ex best friend had been terrified of coming out " They....they were okay with it...no they were more than okay with it Mami even made a cake that said ' My daughters a lesbian I'm so proud '....they accepted me...and in all honesty I have you to thank I probably would've never gotten the courage to come out had I not known all you've been through and continue to go through...I know I um...I know I had a crush on you Quinn but it's passed...I kinda have my eyes set on another beauty in my life " Santana said blushing slightly as she glanced at Brittany. Lucy was proud of Santana and she wasn't all that surprised when she felt tears rolling down her cheeks she'd been patently waiting for the Latina to come back to her and start rebuilding their friendship " I've been waiting for you S...f-for a long time...and I'm so very proud of you for coming out...so proud..I know that it must've been so hard for you do to that...I know you probably think I hate you...most people probably would I know Rae does...but..I don't hate you S I never have you were just lost and you needed to find your way back...and you did " Lucy said smiling softly at the Latina.  Both Rachel and Santana could see that Lucy's smile was fake but they both knew she meant what she'd said. " I have to go do my assignment but I'll see you around Q " Santana said smiling at the blonde " Okay...hey..talk to Brittany when you get the chance " Lucy told her and Santana nodded as she walked away.


Unsurprisingly the girls left school after second period Lucy's anxiety was just to high and it was clear she could end up having a major panic attack if they didn't leave so now the girls were sat on the love seat in the living room of the Berry home both nursing a hot cup of tea as they watched tv they'd began watching a new show ' The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills ' Rachel had heard of the show and suggested they watch it starting at the first season. Thankfully Lucy was really into the show and it was keeping her distracted from her own thoughts.

Rachel glanced at her best friend as she sipped on her tea and watched the reality show she looked calmer than she had just a few hours ago when they were at school but she knew that wouldn't last long. She knew when they turned the show off Lucy's anxiety would be right back at it's high. The brunette sighed quietly as she kissed her best friend on the cheek and snuggled into her they were okay for right at least.

This is a pretty short chapter and I'm so sorry for that I might have a few typos so I'm also sorry for that but I hope your all enjoyed the story

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