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It'd been a few days since Lucy had woken up and she was finally allowed to go home well to the Berry's or Frannie's house so now here she sat in Rachel's bed with her glasses on reading a book she hadn't wanted to be downstairs she wanted to be in a more comfortable bed than she had been in days now. Lucy wasn't sure when she'd stopped paying attention to her book all she knew was her mind began to wander she began thinking of many different things her parents,school, her old friends, Frannie, Rachel...and Beth...she missed her baby girl she wanted to see her no she needed to see her but she wasn't sure Shelby would allow that although the older woman had given Lucy her number the previous year...she was in the room alone quickly she grabbed her phone and dialed her number before hitting call. Lucy's nerves were bad she wasn't gonna lie on the second ring she picked up " Hello ? " Shelby said Lucy could hear giggling and squealing in the background..." I-...um..Hi Shelby...it's Quinn..." She said softly " Quinn ? Oh gosh are you okay ? " Shelby asked concerned " I'm okay...I guess...um...when will you be in Lima again ?.." Lucy asked her fiddling with the hem of her shirt " Like tomorrow why ? " Shelby asked her and she could hear the young blonde's breathing pick up it made her really concerned for the young girl " Hey Quinn...calm down alright ? Just ask me " Shelby told her calmly smiling when she heard the blonde calm down " Could we meet up ?...me,you and Beth ?.." She asked her and she knew the doctor had put her bed rest but this was important to her " Yes Ofc we can I can call you tomorrow when we've arrived and settled in and we can pick somewhere to meet up " Shelby told her and Lucy smiled " Okay thank you so much Shelby " she said and the two talked a little while longer before hanging up.

Lucy carefully but quickly got out of bed she wasn't supposed to do this but she didn't care so she carefully hopped to the bedroom door and out of the room making her way downstairs she did her best to ignore all the pain this was causing her and hopped into the living room the attention immediately turning to her " Lucy ! What are you doing out of bed ! " Rachel said quickly and loudly causing Lucy to flinch " I-..well I wanted to tell you guys I'm going to see Beth and Shelby tomorrow " She said with a smile on her face however it faded when she realized none of the Berry's seemed to be happy for her " Lucy you can't go your on bed rest doctors orders " Hiram told her sternly and she just looked at him he couldn't be serious right now " I'm afraid none of you heard me...I Lucy Quinn Fabray am going to see my daughter Beth and her mother Shelby tomorrow " She told them however still none of them seemed happy for her that she was getting this opportunity " No Lucy you aren't your staying here in bed resting so your body can heal " Hiram told her she could tell he was serious she could tell that Rachel and LeRory weren't going to defend her or help her out " You can't just tell me what I can and can't do Hiram " She told him with a bit of attitude in her voice " Yes Lucy I can and I just did now I am taking you back upstairs and you aren't going anywhere tomorrow " He said standing up " No ! I am not listening to you ! You are not my father ! You don't know what it feels like to have your child taken away from you and to finally have the opportunity to see her precious little face ! I am Beth's mom and she is my little girl ! And I can make my own decisions on weather or not I can see her ! Not you ! Not Rachel ! Not LeRory ! Not my mother and not my father ! Beth is mine ! She's my perfect special little thing and you will not stop me from seeing the one thing I didn't mess up ! " Lucy screamed at him she had began crying at some point but what had shocked all three Berry's wasn't that she'd raised her voice it was that she'd spoken abt Beth she never spoke abt Beth bc it was such a sensitive subject for her.

The Berry's all stared at Lucy stunned her cheeks were flush and she was breathing a little heavy and to Lucy the room seemed as if it was spinning it was a little hot to her as well before she knew it everything went black. Immediately each of the Berry's rushed into action. Hiram picked Lucy up off the floor, LeRory went to the kitchen to get cold water and an ice pack and Rachel called Frannie. The doctors had told them that doing to much could make Lucy hot and dizzy and that she'd possibly pass out they just hadn't expected it to happen so soon. Soon enough Frannie was there and now they needed to explain what had happened " Well...Luce walked- hopped downstairs and she told us that tomorrow she was going to see Shelby and Beth but dad told her no that she couldn't and that she was on bed rest and I guess she thought we hadn't heard her or something bc she related herself and then dad repeated himself aswell and I could tell she was getting annoyed and she told him that she didn't have to listen to him bc he wasn't her father and dad put his foot down and told her her that she wasn't going and that she was going back upstairs to rest and she just...went off yelling that she didn't have to listen to us bc Beth was her daughter..and that no one was gonna stop her from seeing her saying thar Beth was her perfect thing the one thing she didn't mess up...and then she passed out " Rachel told her causing Frannie to sigh and look at them " I know you all mean well...but Beth is a very sensitive subject for her...and this would be the first time she's seen her since she gave birth...you can't stop her from seeing that little girl...if anything that is her decision as well as Shelby's that's it and once Beth's old enough it'll be her decision as well " Frannie told them softly Rachel and LeRory seemed to understand but Hiram completely disagreed with Frannie and it was written all over his face however before he could voice his opinion Frannie turned her attention back to Lucy who was just now waking up gently Frannie moved her hair from her face " Hey...how do you feel ? " Frannie asked her softly and quietly " My shoulder and head really hurt..." She mumbled looking up at her older sister " How abt I take you upstairs and help you take a bath and get you in some pajamas ? " She her younger sister only receiving a small nod in response so she stood up and carefully picked her younger sister up and turned her attention to Rachel and LeRory " You said you guys made broccoli and cheddar soup...could you warm some up for her please ?.." She asked and Rachel nodded " Yes Ofc I can " Rachel told her and Frannie nodded a thank you and walked upstairs.

Frannie carefully helped Lucy take a bath and wash her hair once they were done she helped her into her comfy pajamas " Alright now I'm gonna give you all your meds for the night and you have to make sure you eat all your soup okay ? They made your favorite " Frannie told Lucy as she helped her over to Rachel's bed " Okay..." Lucy said quietly. Lucy grabbed her meds from Frannie and took them with ease as Rachel entered the room with Lucy's soup so Frannie gently kissed her sister on the end and told her she'd call her tomorrow before leaving.

Rachel sat down on her bed beside Lucy and handed her the bowl of soup " Do you feel any better ? " Rachel asked looking at her " The bath kinda helped " Lucy told her while eating her soup and Rachel nodded " Okay well I'm gonna go take a shower I shouldn't be in there to long " She told her and Lucy nodded shifting her focus to the tv as she ate her soup. Rachel took that as her opportunity and went to her bathroom to shower. While she did so Lucy watched tv and ate her soup eventually finishing the bowl and sitting it on the night stand and by the time Rachel emerged from the bathroom she could barely keep her eyes open Rachel found it adorable she knew Lucy was waiting for her so quickly she took Lucy's bowl downstairs and told her dads goodnight then walked back into her room turning off the lights as she did so and crawled into bed beside Lucy " Luce...you can go to sleep I'm here now " Rachel told her as Lucy sleepily moved closer to her and laid her head on Rachel and instantly fell asleep making Rachel smile at how cute she was. Eventually sleep took over Rachel as well and she fell asleep with a small smile on her face.

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