New leverage

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"I sympathise that having the Soviet Union back is frightening, and you all are concerned for your husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, and children's lives. I must admit, it will be hard. But I assure you all that this is under control. Remember that will each other's support, this will not be as hard as it will be."

That was South rehearsing his speech to his people. He was repeating it under his breath, over and over again.

He was about to go to the recording studio, where he would be broadcasted across the entire nation. He wasn't nervous, he had done this plenty of times before. He took a deep breath and stepped into the studio.

"I sympathise that having the Soviet Union back is frightening, and you all are concerned....."

It went smoothly, and pretty soon South went to the forest near the border to join the soldiers, and to talk with South Jeolla, who was stationed there.

"South Jeolla, any updates on the war situation?"

S. Jeolla nodded. "There have been occasional small waves of North Korean soldiers. Most of them are a couple hundred of soldiers, but sometimes they send thousands." She grimaced.

South gravely nodded. He was about to say something when they heard rustling in the bushes.

He immediately snapped his head towards the bushes, with S. Jeolla following. She raised her hand, signalling to the ROK soldiers of the possible threat. She and South held their swords.

The soldiers all grabbed their guns when two provinces came rolling out. South raised his eyebrow and spoke.

"I don't know which two of my provinces you both are, but what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Brother, why did you pick here, out of all places?" The female one said. The voice sounded familiar, but no one could put their finger on who it was.

"It doesn't seem like you are from her-" He was cut short when the two provinces finally raised their heads. His eyes widened.

"Surround them!" He ordered. The soldiers quickly formed a circle around them while pointing their guns.

"씨발." He swore. He laid his sword on the male province's neck. "Tell me why you're here, or I will chop your head off."

He raised his hands in surrender. "I-I promise we mean n-no harm. I'm pretty sure you know who I am, but just in case I am North Hwanghae and this is my s-sister South Hwanghae." He stuttered. South was taller than him, and looked very intimidating. 

"I didn't ask who you are, I asked why you are here." South said in a low voice that came out as a growl.

"Yes.. well.. we wanted to escape North Korea.." South Hwanghae said.

South was so surprised that he choked on his own words. He spluttered while coughing.

"Why did you.. escape?" S. Jeolla asked suspiciously. "Human defectors, yes we understand. However, the chances of a province escaping is very low, let alone two."

"I- Well we wanted to escape because we were tired of being treated like how we were when we were back in North Korea." South Hwangehae explained nervously. "The only city or province that gets better treatment than all of us is Pyongyang."

S. Jeolla looked over to South, who had now recovered from his coughing fit. He took a deep breath while looking at his brother's provinces.

"Take them in as POWs for now. Questioning will be done later." He eyed the pair.

Some soldiers, still surrounding North and South Hwanghae, escorted them outside the forest.

"One last thing." South spoke. The siblings turned their head towards him.

"Hurt any of my people, or discover any secrets, you shall be killed on the spot." He said darkly. He looked to the soldiers. "Make sure they don't do anything." He said, still eyeing the two with threatening eyes.

North and South Hwanghae gulped and nodded. They slowly walked away while South and Jeolla looked at them curiously.

"What do you think made then come like that" S. Jeolla asked.

South shook his head. "I don't know, S. Jeolla. It seems very suspicious to me, but then again having them here as genuine defectors could be very helpful." He smiled.

S. Jeolla looked at him curiously. "In what way?" She asked.

"I don't believe that North would share many war secrets to his provinces, but since they lived there they should know some of his tactics." South replied.

S. Jeolla mouth formed into a silent "Oh" as she nodded.


South sat in a white room while waiting for the two provinces.

When they finally came shuffling in, he couldn't help but feel sorry for them. Life must've been quite bad for them to go the lengths to escape.

He looked at the two with his intense eyes for a second or two longer when he finally said, "How did you escape?"

"I- well, um.." S. Hwanghae said quietly. "We studied the area around the border, ever since the war border patrol has been toned down a little bit. We found the forest dense and thick enough to quickly run through it. North Hwangehae accidentally blew up a minefield." She shook her head. "He almost got injured, and he caught the guard's attention."

South nodded. "I see. Are you aware of the danger you put my nation in?" He glared.

N. Hwanghae went pale and quickly apologized. "We're so sorry! We forgot that we would be searched for here..." His voice trailed off.

South took a deep breath. His headache was growing every second. Are these provincehumans spies? Or did they genuinely try to escape his brother?

His thoughts were interrupted when North Hwanghae spoke. "Um.. South Korea? I mean, Republic Of Korea? Or, uh, what do we call you?" He asked.

He looked at them. "Just South is fine. 'Republic Of Korea' and 'South Korea' sound long and too formal." He said. "What do North's cities and provinces call him?"

"Well.. we call him North Korea or DPRK. He hates it when we just call him North. He would go crazy." S. Hwanghae said.

South shook his head, still finding it hard to believe how much his brother had changed since their childhood. He quickly went back to topic.

"I am still suspicious of you two, and I don't fully trust you both. However, I am fully aware that North would have harsh punishment if you went back." He said. "I will allow you to stay, but at a price."

North and South Hwangehae perked up when he said that they could stay. But got worried when he said that it had a price.

"What price?" North Hwanghae asked.

"Tell me all you know about North's tactics." South said.

The two provinces blinked and relaxed. It was much better than what they had anticipated. Frankly, they would do anything for North to be defeated.

"We will do it."


Author's Note:

Eyyyy sorry for it taking a couple days. I didn't have much motivation 🥲 But good news for the South lmao, two provinces on their side!

Btw, if you wanna imagine provinces, search up the province or city's flag and slap that on a countyhuman base. Boom. They are basically countryhumans but smaller and shorter.

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