Brother's reunion

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"Okay.. the parts where there are the least amount of minefields should be around.." North looked around, already have memorized everything in the DMZ. "Here." He pointed to an area that was covered in thick bushes and trees.

"What if we get caught?" Hamgyong asked. Soviet had recently ordered the border guards to immediately notify him if any of them spotted North trying to cross to the other side. Shoot if necessary. The reason why Soviet had so much control over North is because when he first joined North he had forcefully taken control over the country. In short, North was now a puppet state to the USSR.

North clenched his fists. "We don't. If we do, we kill if needed." He said bluntly.

Hamgyong stayed quiet. They wore black clothes to cover themselves in the night. Their dark tones also helped to mask them into the darkness.

They carefully stepped over the trees that were blocking the way.

But on the last one, South Hamgyong tripped over a rock and bumped into North, making both of then fall in the process. Hamgyong let out a small yelp, but it was loud enough to echo over the forest.

In the distance, they could see Soviet soldiers coming their way. They were speaking in Russian but didn't appear to have any desire to be violent.

"What are they saying?" Hamgyong whispered urgently.

"It doesn't fucking matter now, run." North said quickly, yanking South Hamgyong off the ground and pulling him with him.

The soldiers immediately started running after them, firing shots from their guns. North and Hamgyong narrowly avoided them, but stopped when they ran into a dead end.

"Fuck." North snarled, looking at the dense trees blocking their way. "Fucking forest getting in the way."

The soldiers were quickly closing in on them.

"What do we do?" South Hamgyong asked.

"Like I said - kill if needed." North replied, then proceeded to lunge at the Soviet soldiers, with Hamgyong following quickly behind.

They managed to fight off most of them, seriously injuring a lot. Before long there were a dozen unconscious bodies laying in front of them.

But they didn't come out unscathed. South Hamgyog had gotten many bruises and had been shot at multiple times. Luckily, none if then hit him, as he was nimble.

North on the other hand, took most of the damage. He was stabbed in the arm multiple times, and along with his South Hamgyong also acquired many bruises.

North winced, covering his eye with a hand. His eyepatch had fallen off, making the black, empty hole that once had his eye vulnerable to attack. One soldier managed to punch where his eye once was, making the socket flare up in pain.

"Oh shit- North are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Hamgyong apologized quickly, feeling guilty for giving then away like that.

"I'm fine." North said, wiping the slight blood off with his sleeve. "It should be okay. Just give me back my eyepatch." He said.

Hamgyong gave it back to him.

"Let's go, and no more yelping or tripping on rocks." North said, continuing to walk. Hamgyong wondered how he could endure the pain like that.

It took the entire night to get to get to the other side, and they almost got electrocuted on the fence, but they found a fallen tree than conveniently fallen right at the right angle for them to walk on it to skip the electric fence.

"Yes! Finally!" South Hamgyong cheered. He was so, so happy that he was finally out of that hellhole in the north. He could do what he wanted with freedom now.

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