We Will Win

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South smiled. His brother had called and said that his people now accepted him, and that he would be staying in the north to manage his country.

He had to admit, he missed having his brother around, but was happy for him anyway.

He looked at his laptop, his reading glasses on. But despite having one problem cleared, an even bigger one was there. Soviet would certianly strike another attack, perhaps not in Korea (yet) but definitely in Europe.

He groaned and let his head fall on the desk. The impact made a rather large thud and Seoul had to come and check on him.

South took out his map and rolled it open, pinpointing Europe and where Soviet would possibly attack next. Poland? Certianly an easy target, but he had NATO on his side. Belgium? North Macedonia? Germany? No, no, all NATO countries.

South's eyes fell on Ukraine. Of course, Ukraine would be a target. It wasn't even in NATO and was still worn from the war a couple years ago.

But he disappeared after Soviet was reborn!

And yet, he had to think of the possibility of Soviet not attacking Europe. It could be the weaker countries in Africa, or South America. Somewhere unexpected would be Soviet's target.

But yet, Soviet might know that South would know that he would attack somewhere unexpected, and so Soviet would know that South knows about his plan and South would set up the militia in the vulnerable places, and Soviet would know to attack one of the more advanced countries.

His eyes flew all over the map, thinking of every possibility of possibilities. His brain started hurting more and more.

He jumped when the phone started ringing, so startled that he yelped, and relaxed when he realised that it was just the phone.

He yanked it off and quickly answered it. "Republic of Korea speaking." Putting on his formal tone, no trace of his stressed mind.

"South, this is urgent." America's concerned voice came over the speaker.

"What is it?" South asked, worried.

"Soviet attacked my borders, and so that means the entire NATO is involved in the war. He started with California, and now the American military is fighting Soviet forced as we speak."

South fell silent in shock. So he had been right about Soviet knowing that he knows.. ah dammit he's not thinking about that again. More pressing issues were there.

"Wait." South abruptly said, then hung up and quickly called the military General.

"General, send 50,000 soldiers to America, California. He has been attacked." He said.

"Wait, wh-" The general started.

"I'll explain later, for now just do it." South said, then hung up and called America again.

"I'm sending 50,000 troops to California, is she okay?" He asked, voice laced with worry.

"She isn't in her best shape. She isn't a country, so she isn't as strong as us. She's in the state hospital right now, and she doesn't look very good. The attack was very unexpected." America said. "Dammit, I should've known that he was coming. I should've guarded my borders better. I shouldve-"

"There's no "I should've" anymore. It is what happened." South tried to reassure his friend.

"You don't know what it feels like!" America's voice raised an octave, and South jumped in his seat.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just really stressed. I haven't had a war in the mainland for more than a century. The last time was in 1890, and at that time I wasn't as attached to my states.." America apologized quickly. "I didn't think that Soviet could've had the power for such a powerful hit, he's stronger than we thought."

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