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"Is this a new friend?" Nana asked, confused by the strange guy that sat at their table.

He grinned at (Y/n), who responded with a blank stare. "I don't know him," She said, averting her eyes to her phone.

"Wha- of course you do!" He exclaimed. "I'm Issac, remember?"


He widened his eyes at her response for a moment before folding his arms and closing his eyes, thinking. "I guess you're ignoring me then." He nodded to himself, figuring out that she was pretending not to know him.

Nana eyed him suspiciously, "Are you harassing her or something? If so, then I'm going to report you to the teachers."

"I would never do that. We're friends."

(Y/n)'s left eyebrow flew up. Since when?

"Oh really?" Nana said, turning to (Y/n). "Is he?"

She shook her head, confirming Nana's suspicions. "You're just harassing her right now, she clearly doesn't want you here so leave."

Issac sighed with a pout. He slowly got up and left their table like a puppy that was kicked by the person it loved the most. He had taken an interest in (Y/n) only for her to shut him off a second time.

"I told you it wouldn't work," a guy commented when Issac returned to his original table. He tried laughing it off, taking a seat beside Zuri.

"Man... its always the coldest girls that are the prettiest," another guy spoke. "How'd you even became friends with her?"

Zuri smirked proudly, "Even if I told you, you still wouldn't be able to get close to her."

"Look at this fagg*t being cocky," a random dude said, stopping at the table. He was one of the many boys that got turned down by (Y/n). "How are y'all believing his crap when she didn't want him close to her either."

The guys around the table, looked around at each other, seeming to finally think about it. Not once did they saw (Y/n) interacting with Zuri.

Zuri's smirk however did not fall. In fact it stretched even further. "Even though she doesn't want me close to her on the school campus, I can definitely have her under me whenever we are in our private space." Some 'oooohhs' were uttered at Zuri's response. 

"And y'all believe that sh*t too?" The guy snickered.

Not saying anything more, Zuri got up and started making his way towards a certain person.

Nana almost choked on her straw when she saw the dark haired person walking straight to their table. "(Y-Y/n)..."

"Mmm?" She answered, eyes glued to the game. "He's coming this wayyy," Nana said, intensely staring at Zuri, taking his sweet time striding in all his beauty.

"Who?" (Y/n) asked.


Seeing someone sit next to her in the corner of her eyes, (Y/n) was about to give them a death glare when her eyes met ones of a smokey grey colour.

Not even a second and she could already feel all the eyes burning through her skin. Whispers from different directions began to slowly crawl into her ears. Trying to ignore the unwanted attention, (Y/n) spoke in a low tone,"Why are you here?"

"Starting today, I'll start hanging out with you," Zuri said, smiling widely.


(Y/n) made a mistake of accidentally looking at the people staring right back at her and that's when a nerve hit.

She sprang up from the table and bristly walked out of the cafeteria. When she reached in the hallways, her fast pace began to slow down. She lifted her hand and stared into her palms, trembling like a leaf. She balled her hands into a fist but her arms shook even more.

"Ahh... calm down (Y/n)..." she said to herself, taking deep breaths in and out, trying to get her breathing together.

"(Y/n)," Zuri called out from behind.

She paused, turning her head to look at him.

Zuri, both shocked and surprised halted in his tracks. He couldn't help but slowly grin at seeing his friend in such a state. She was just standing there, her whole body trembling while a flustered expression laid on her face. He walked to her, feeling weird and fuzzy on the inside.

"Ah~you're doing that expression again, (Y/n), I've missed it so much," Zuri said, taking her chin between his fingers.

"And who's fault is it? I told you many times before don't come near me at school. You attract too much attention."

Her shaking form as he looked down at her turned him on and he could feel it between his pants springing to life. He began leaning down to devour her lips but she pulled away.

"Now is not the time, Zuri. I'm still trembling and I want to stop. My nerves won't listen to me."

Zuri tilted his head, eyebrows upturning. "Why? You look so cute that way."

"You like seeing me suffer, don't you?" (Y/n) asked, not buying his compliment or whatever it was supposed to be. He laughed, "Like? I'd love making you suffer if I get to see this everyday." Taking out his phone, he took a quick pic of (Y/n)'s still flustered face.

She sent him a blank expression as if to say 'seriously?' Her body began to feel at ease and soon her trembling came to a stop.

"It's gone," She said, sighing in relief.

"Mmm..." Zuri mumbled, quite disappointed that her panicked state hadn't last longer. "I'm going to the bathroom," he said, heading to the direction of the restrooms.

He entered one of the stalls and began to undo his pants. The hard member sprang up, dripping with pre cum. Running  a hand through his black hair, he chuckled, "You liked seeing her too don't you?"

He started rubbing his member between his hand, moaning. A certain name slipped out through his lips.



Zuri was staring at his screen for over fifteen minutes now, grinning like an idiot. His boyfriend on the other side of the bed noticing how silent Zuri was, came closer and curiously looked over Zuri's shoulder. His forehead wrinkled as he furrowed his eyebrows after seeing the person displayed on Zuri's lock screen.

"Who's that?" He asked, coldly.

"A friend," Zuri answered, eyes admiring his best friend's flustered face.

"Why's she making that expression?" His boyfriend asked, feeling suspicious of how weird Zuri was acting.

Soon it dawned onto Zuri that his boyfriend was also looking at his best friend's photo. He immediately shut off the phone and stood up from the bed.


"Did I gave you permission?" Came a low and dark voice that almost startled the man to death.

"What?" The man asked, his voice wavering.

"Did I gave you permission to look at her?" He asked again, this time turning his head to send an eye piercing stare towards the man.

"I-I n-no?"

Zuri pulled on his shirt, took up his car keys and left the room without another word uttered. The man remained on the bed, speechless. Who was that girl? And what was she to Zuri?

My Gay Boy Bestfriend [Yandere Male X FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now