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Zuri exited the room, leaving a sore man on the bed heaving heavily and covered in bruises. Just a moment ago, Zuri placed all his frustration and anger onto the man but if you saw the neutral expression he held, you would not have thought that he ravaged the man, so mercilessly. 

Before entering the vip room, he fixed his ruffled shirt and brush down his disheveled hair. His friend, sitting on the same couch he was previously on, sipping on a glass of wine, averted his eyes to Zuri when he stepped in.

"Well. . .was that better?" Denmark inquired.

"Mmm. . ." he mumbled, shoving his hand into his pocket and dropping $100 onto the couch as he walked by.

"You don't have to pay. . ." His friend trailed off as Zuri was already out of the room.

The dark haired man exited the club and strode to the small parking lot were his car was. Fishing out his keys, he pressed the button and the car door lock flicked open. He plopped himself inside and closed the door. Silence surrounded him and he got the chance to recall what happened a few minutes ago.

He was fucking a man...

A man...


Why did he imagine (Y/n) underneath him?

"Ah. . .fuck," he exhaled, dropping his head onto the steering wheel. "What the hell was I thinking? I'd never do that to her."

But being honest to himself, he liked it. He liked the image of her being under him, he liked her being in a flustered mess, he liked when tears pricked at her eyes threatening to fall, he like seeing her trembling figure, but most of all, he'd like to her her voice screaming out to—


He slammed his head onto the steering wheel his fingers gripped tightly. The nasty thoughts went away, only for a few seconds before slowly drifting back to his mind. He raised his head and started the car, deciding to focus on something else while driving.


"Have you never fell in love with anyone?" Zuri asked as (Y/n) searched through the TV, trying to find a decent movie to watch. Though he already knew the answer, the question still nagged at his mind.


"Not even an ounce of some sort of attraction?" He asked again.

"Hmm..." she paused, "I think I kinda feel attracted to Nana,"

Zuri's finger twitched involuntarily. "Nana? Why do you feel attracted to her?"

"She's a good friend," (Y/n) replied, focusing back on the TV.

Yes, friend. . .of course. . .she never feels anything more than a friend towards someone.

"But I do have someone I really love."

That sentence made Zuri turn his neck so fast to look at her it was a miracle it didn't snap. "What? Who?"

She took up her phone that was beside her and opened it. Zuri waited as she glided her thumb across the screen, scrolling in search of something. 

"Look," she spoke, turning her phone to Zuri. His eyes stared at small orange and white feline, sitting like a loaf of bread with its eyes closed. "That's a cat," he stated the obvious. "Not a person."

My Gay Boy Bestfriend [Yandere Male X FemReader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin