2 What a mess

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Addison POV

I paid the cab driver and then made my way into the house. But already in the driveway I could hear the loud music and the hard bass. No surprise that Mrs. Rogers from next door had called. That really couldn't be true. After all we had talked about.

Anger boiled up in me as I thought about why I had left the house in the first place, but not even that had helped. We were right back where we started. I unlocked the door, went inside and walked quickly to find the source of the music.

"Have you lost your mind?" I yelled over the music and saw everyone present wince.

Then I turned off the music. Everyone stared at me. Some scared, others angry that the fun was over. One face stood out from the 10 or 11 faces. But it showed nothing but defiance. Gradually, I really lost my patience.

"Everyone who doesn't live here better get out of here in the next 30 seconds. Otherwise, I'll call your parents and have them pick you up personally!" I said loudly as I braced my hands on my hips.

Of course, it didn't even take that long until we were alone. Only then did I notice the mess that had been left behind. I pinched the bridge of my nose and tried to breathe deeply. However, I did not really succeed.

"Corinne... what the hell were you thinking?" I ask lowly in with effort controlled voice.

"What? I was just having some friends from school over. Since I wasn't allowed to go out. You were out too!" she said in defense.

"Well, that's a very big difference. I work damn hard all week and I've earned a night out. You, on the other hand, are nothing but lazy. You were supposed to finish your essay and your assignment, both of which, if I may remind you, are due on Monday. And you haven't even started working on it yet, even though you've had 3 weeks to do it," I replied angrily as I started picking up the trash from the floor.

"My God.... I just don't want to do this shit. Why do I even have to go to school anymore? Can't I just work at your company?" said Corinne, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"How many times do we have to go over this issue? First you finish high school, then we'll see. You're 15 years old, Corinne, and I want to help you have a better life. But I'm starting to get the feeling that you just don't want that. Maybe we should think about you going back to mom. Because I am seriously at the end of my patience." I explained to her.

"Oh yeah... just give up.... just like mom! You're becoming more and more like her. Everyone is giving up on me. Go ahead. I'm used to it. At least she won't make me go to school." she hissed.

"No... she'll take you to the nearest bar or casino. Maybe you'll have your first kid at 16 too if you keep up." I replied as I flopped down on the sofa, powerless and exhausted.

"Like you're so great with your 30-something.... you might as well be my mom. The way you just keep nagging about me. No sister does that, Addie!" she said, but then I saw tears forming in her eyes. Even though she was trying not to let me see it.

It was just all too much for her. I knew that and I tried to help her as much as I could since I took her in, but she rarely let me get close to her. Again and again I felt like a loser.

"I want to be there for you. I want you to have it easier than me. You know how hard I've worked to be where I am today. You will regret not doing your best one day," I replied.

"What do you really have, Addison? You have money, a nice house, and a thriving business. But other than that? You don't have a husband or kids. You don't even have a boyfriend or time to see your friends. All you have is me. Your little half-sister, who you clearly don't want here," she said as she sat down next to me on the sofa.

"Cori... if I didn't want you, you wouldn't be here. I just want you to be into it. I know you miss mom. But it's better this way. Trust me. Also.... you can believe I would love to have a partner... but that's easier said than done. All the men I meet, especially in my job, are either gay or taken," I replied.

Tonight had been the best proof of that. Looking back, I didn't have the slightest idea why I had given Adam my number in the first place. He was taken, even if he and his girlfriend were having problems right now.

I just had the feeling that he needed someone to talk to who didn't know him that well. Besides, I was sure he would never call anyway. And it was probably better that way, because making friends with a taken man was definitely not a good idea. In addition, it was not like me to push myself into something.

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