18 Relieved

76 6 10

Adam POV

"Okay...yeah, I'll tell her. We're all relieved.... I think she should be back to sleep by now. She was totally exhausted.... See you later... Bye." I said and then hung up before going off to find Addie.

As I expected, she was standing in the doorway to Cori's room. Addie was leaning against the door frame and had her arms crossed over her chest as she watched her little sister sleep. By now we had been home for a couple of hours. We were all exhausted, but of course especially Cori. It was good that she got more sleep. And luckily so far it didn't look like she was having nightmares. Thank God.

I stood behind my girlfriend and gently wrapped my arms around her middle and gave her a kiss on the temple while pulling her close to me. Immediately I felt her relax a little as she leaned against me.

"Did you talk to Poppy?" she wanted to know softly.

"Yes, I did. She'll be here in a few hours. She's relieved that Cori is back home and said she's making fresh cinnamon buns for her now. And I talked to the police. They still haven't been able to interrogate your mother, but as it stands right now she's probably going to a psychiatric clinic. At least for now. They are bringing Cori's stuff over later today. The officer said that Cori has to make an official statement. But there's still time," I replied in a whisper.

"Good.... God I'm glad to have her with us. I would never have been able to forgive myself if something had happened to her. I love that girl so much." Addie breathed before wiping a tear from her cheek.

"I know. She's fine. Come with me.... You should get some rest too. You're at least as exhausted as Cori." I said in a hushed tone as I released my arms from her and took her by the hand.

Together we took one more look at Corinne before Addie reached for the doorknob and quietly closed the door behind her.

Then we went into the bedroom and lay down in bed. I immediately pulled Addie into my arms. With a deep sigh she rested her head on my shoulder as we lay there cuddled together. It was quiet in the room. The only thing to hear was her slow breathing. But nevertheless I was sure that she had not fallen asleep despite her exhaustion. Probably too much was going through her head.

I wondered how I could cheer Addie up at least a little. It didn't take long for me to think of something that might help.

"Addie?" I asked gently in case she was asleep.

"Yes?" she replied immediately.

"I know you're probably not in the mood, but would it be okay if I gave you your Valentine's Day gift?" I wanted to know.

"Only if I can give you your gift too..." she said and I could clearly hear the smirk in her voice.

"You can do anything you want," I promised her.

Addie stretched up and gave me a quick kiss before jumping out of bed.

"I'll be right back." she said and walked out of the room.

I took the opportunity to get her gift from my bag that was in the corner of the room. I quickly sat back on the bed and waited for Addie to come back. And it didn't take long.

"Here!" she said, handing me a relatively large box.

"No... you first." I insisted, sliding my box over to her.

"Together?" asked Addie, and I nodded.

I opened the gift and found a beautiful picture. It was obviously self-made with keys of a keyboard. With our initials and the words 'I LOVE U'. And if that wasn't the most beautiful thing there could be, there was this big cute pillow in the shape of a Play Station controller.

 And if that wasn't the most beautiful thing there could be, there was this big cute pillow in the shape of a Play Station controller

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"Oh Addie! This is amazing! Thank you!" I said, overwhelmed.

"This? This is nothing! These earrings are so beautiful, Adam! Please tell me those aren't real diamonds. And how did you know I wanted a moon lamp?" Addie replied and I immediately saw that she had tears in her eyes again. However, I hoped that this time they were happy tears.

"Yes, they are real. And a little birdie helped me. When you turn on the lamp, a photo of us appears. I hope you like it," I explained.

"What a question. I love it and I love you. Thank you for giving me a wonderful memory for today." said Addie before kneeling on the bed and hugging me tightly.

"Happy Valentine's Day. I love you." I replied before giving her a kiss to show her how much.

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