10 Award

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Adam POV

"And now we move on to our final award of the evening. The award in the category for the best makeup brand of the year goes to Blake Beauty! This, at 3 years old, still fairly new company, has once again raised the level of the industry this past year with many new products. The innovation and integrity in this company is unmatched. And I, for one, can't wait to see what's next. 

Please join me in welcoming Addison Blake. She is the founder and CEO of Blake Beauty. Let's hear it!" said the presenter.

Everyone in attendance erupted into applause as Addie slowly made her way to the stage to accept her well-deserved award. I could see in her eyes that she was struggling with tears of emotion. When her eyes found me at our table, a bright smile spread across her beautiful face.

"Thank you. Thank you very, very much. It is an honor to receive this award. I want to say thank you on behalf of all my employees. We have worked hard to be where we are today. And I promise that we will continue to do our best to make our products as good as possible.

I am proud that my dream has come true. I am proud to have a vision of the future. We will continue to build, continue to grow and always listen to the feedback of our customers. Never in my life did I think it possible to stand here in front of you today. But now that this moment has become reality... I am  truly overwhelmed.

I would like to thank everyone who made our success possible. Thanks to my chosen family. And a very special thank you to you Corinne. My little sister who makes me proud every day to be her big sister. And thank you Adam, for coming into my life and coming all the way out here to join me on this special night. Thank you." said Addison.

Again there was a lot of applause as she carefully made her way back to me. Addie put her award on the table and sat down next to me. I took her hand in mine and gave her a kiss on her hair.

"You did a great job, Addie. I'm so happy to be here." I whispered .

Addison turned her head to the side and smiled. Her big eyes sparkled as she leaned toward me. Then she surprisingly gave me a little kiss before lifting our joined hands to her mouth and pressing a kiss to my hand. When she looked at me again, I saw how relieved and happy she looked.


"My hands were shaking so much, I was afraid I'd drop the award." Addie laughed as we were in the elevator at the hotel.

Now that the party was over, all the tension she had was gone. That was good. Now she was relaxed again and in the end she even enjoyed the attention. And I was glad that she had gone through with it. It would have been a shame if she had missed it.

"I promise you that no one noticed," I replied as the elevator doors opened on her floor.

I took her hand and walked her to her room. Addie gave me her key card so I could open the door for her. Then she put her award on the dresser and looked at it closely. A sigh escaped her. I stood behind her. Slowly I stroked her arms with my hands while Addie leaned against me.

"How are you?" I asked softly.

"I'm honestly glad to be back," she replied softly.

"It was a nice evening, but I agree with you." I said, then put my hand on her stomach to turn her around to face me. Immediately she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Addie looked up at me with this sparkle in her eyes.

"Do you remember what you were supposed to keep in mind for later?" she wanted to know with a smirk.

"Indeed I do..." I said quietly.

"Well... then do it..." replied Addie.

I leaned in until I could place my mouth on her perfect, full lips. Addie sucked in a breath as our lips began to move together in a delicious dance. My arms found their way around her body and pulled her as close as I could. With a small moan, she let her tongue flick over mine as her fingers began to undo the buttons of my shirt. She barely had room for it, but still got it done.

Addie's hands slipped under the fabric and slipped the shirt off my shoulders along with the jacket. Her warm fingers traced a burning trail down my pecs to my waistband.

I slipped off the straps of her dress and the fabric glided off her body. It left her in nothing but a strapless bra and a pair of panties. My eyes lingered there for a moment though quickly we both grew impatient. Addie took one face between her hands and brought it back to hers. 

Slowly my fingers brushed over her skin as Addie detached herself from me to catch her breath. My lips, however, did not leave her body for a second but only wandered down her neck. Nibbling and kissing.

At some point the impatience and tension was so strong that I lifted her off her feet and laid her on the bed. I looked Addison deep in the eyes as I hovered over her. She caressed my face with her fingertips, an expression of desire on her face.

When she looked at me like that, everything inside me started to tingle. It all felt so right. This woman, this moment. I knew it was meant to be like this.

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