15 So much more

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Addison POV

Just as I finished the call with Cori, I started humming softly to myself as I got everything I needed for breakfast out of the fridge and the pantry. I had been up early today. Being able to talk to Cori on the phone was only part of why I couldn't sleep longer.

She was on a school trip to Washington DC with her class to see everything there. I had to admit that it made me a little nervous not to have her at home. But she was really looking forward to it. And from the sound of it, she had a lot of fun. Perhaps my nervousness was due to the fact that I was slowly but surely turning into a real mom.

The other reason I couldn't sleep longer was that Adam and I would be flying to Chicago later, where I would get to know a big, important part of his life. The timing was perfect now that Corinne was not home all week. I had all the work done and was looking forward to having this day off to focus on Adam.

Just as I did now by making breakfast for the two of us. We still had plenty of time until we had to make our way to the airport. Therefore, I thought it was a nice idea.

Right as I was about to take the finished toast out of the toast, I felt warm hands on my hips and jumped a little. I hadn't heard him come into the kitchen behind me.

"Morning Beauty!" murmured Adam in my ear after he gave me a kiss on my hair.

"Dear God... don't scare me like that!" I gasped, putting a hand over my racing heart before turning to face im.

"I'm sorry. I thought you heard me and I couldn't resist." he replied with a smirk.

"It's okay. Good morning. I was actually going to surprise you with breakfast." I said and then gave him a proper kiss.

"You did. And it smells so good! Can I help you with anything?" asked Adam as he stroked his hands over my back.

"You can go back to bed, mister." I replied with a wink.


Adam POV

"Tell me, are the Bucks always this hyped up? Don't get me wrong... they're very nice, but wow." laughed Addie as we walked from the match rehearsal back to the backstage area.

"Yeah, they are... Sometimes Matt and Nick are a bit much. I've learned over the years to ignore them until they calm down a bit. I'm sorry if they made you feel uncomfortable," I replied worriedly, knowing how my friends' behavior could affect someone who wasn't used to it.

Although I had asked them to be on their best behavior, it hadn't worked one bit. Both Nick and Matt were acting like teenagers, and I would have preferred it if they had kept their inappropriate jokes to themselves a little longer.

"I'm fine. I'll get used to them. But I think it's cute that you're worried about me. It makes you a great boyfriend and an even better person." she said as she gave me a hug.

"You're pretty cute too. Okay... I'm going to take a quick shower. Do you want me to take you to catering?" I wanted to know.

"No. I'll find my way around. I could stop by the makeup girls. Well if i'm allowed to." replied Addie.

"Sure you can. When I told you the girls in makeup can't wait to meet you, I meant it. But if Britt shows up, ignore her. She just wants attention," I said.

"I will. See you in a bit." Addie said and stole herself another kiss before I went on my way.

It wasn't long before I was ready and set out to find my beautiful girlfriend. As expected, I could already hear the loud laughter and giggles of the girls in the hallway. Especially Addison's voice, I would recognize her anywhere.

"It makes me so proud to hear that you like our products. I'm so thrilled with your feedback. I mean... if the makeup holds up in the ring with all the sweat and everything... that's the biggest compliment. If you guys are interested, I can put you on the PR list. Then you will get products as one of the first. I know when products are passing with professional makeup artists, it's a good sign." I heard it gush out of Addie.

I smiled. She loved her work and everything she and her team created so much. Addie was just in her element. But then I heard another voice. A voice that sounded so full of hate that I got angry really fast.

"What the hell is she doing here? You're getting makeup tips from this man-stealing drag queen? Are you serious? This is my territory, bitch. And I'm gonna take back the man you stole from me. Don't kid yourself. You're just a rebound. Adam is mine. He loves me." Britt spat loudly.

"How dare you? I am done with you for a while. I've made it abundantly clear to you that I want nothing more to do with you, you snake! Leave my girlfriend and me alone. I don't love you! I love Addison and there is nothing you can do to change that." I hissed as I entered the room from the other side and stood in front of Addie.

I stared angrily at Britt until she finally turned around and stormed out like a fury. I was so sick of her. And I had no idea how I had put up with her for so long.

Then I took Addie by the hand and led her out. When we were far enough away from prying eyes and ears, I put my arms around her and looked at her worriedly.

"Are you okay? I should have known she'd pull a stunt like that, but I was hoping it wouldn't happen," I said softly as I looked her closely in the face.

"Adam... I'm a big girl and I can handle it. I know what we have. And I won't let anyone tell me otherwise. I know you're always honest with me. So... I assume you meant what you just said..." Addie replied, looking at me with her big eyes.

"I do. It's not the way I wanted to say it to you the first time, but it's still true.... I love you Addison." I said sincerely.

"I love you too, Adam. Of course I do." she whispered before standing on her tiptoes wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me close.

We shared a long, passionate kiss. A kiss that meant so much more at that moment than any kiss before.

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