30 Just in case...

117 8 9

Adam POV

"All right, Addison. Let's see how far along you are," said Barbara, the midwife, when she came back into the room after half an hour.

I had lost all sense of the time that had passed. Therefore, I had no idea how long we had been in the hospital. My attention was completely focused on my wife. And not to freak out. Because the last thing I wanted was for Addie to get worked up. 

As she examined Addie to see how dilated her cervix was, I took a quick look at the clock. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon. So by now it had been almost 12 hours. Plus, of course, the 12 hours Addie had been in labor before. It didn't look like our little one was in any particular hurry to meet us. But after the doctor broke the water to help the birth along, it seemed to be going well.

"Very good, Addison. You're finally at 10 centimeters. We can start delivering your baby right away. I'll go get the doctor. You're almost there." said Barbara as she went to get the doctor.

"Did you hear that, beautiful. You'll be able to hold her in your arms real soon." I said to Addie as I held her hand while she breathed through the next contraction.

"Thank God. I can't take much more of this." she groaned in pain.

A few minutes later, everyone who was needed had gathered and it was time for Addie to push. If I was having a hard time seeing her in labor, this was nothing compared to that. Damn... Women were so damn strong. Their bodies were basically ripped in two to bring new life into the world.... I don't know why some people didn't appreciate that. We should treat women like goddesses. We should worship the ground they walk on.

"One more time, Mrs. Cole." the doctor said after 20 minutes of intense pushing.

Addie did as he said and pushed with everything she had and was then rewarded with the first cries of our little wiggler.

For me it was probably the most beautiful sound I could imagine. We had a daughter. I had become a father thanks to my beautiful, strong wife.

"Hi baby." whispered Addie to the baby as she was placed on her chest.

I gave Addison a kiss on the forehead and then took a good look at the little girl. She was absolutely perfect. Even more perfect than I could have imagined. Half me and half my wonderful, strong wife. And yet completely her own little person.

"Hi my Lou Lou Wiggler." I whispered as I gently stroked one finger across our daughter's little cheek.

"Thank you. Thank you for this perfect little girl. I love you so much and I love her so much." I said to my wife and gave her a real kiss.

"Thank you. And we love you just as much, Adam. You habe no idea. Right, Lou Lou Wiggler?" she replied softly.

"Okay... you'll get her back in a minute. The young lady will just be washed and measured quickly." said Barbara after a few minutes and then took the baby from Addie's arms.

"You did so great," I said as I sat down in bed with her.

Addison leaned against my shoulder, exhausted yet happy, as we watched intently as our daughter was freshened up.

A few minutes later they brought her back and placed her in my arms. I still couldn't believe it. She was so small.

"What is Miss Cole's name?" asked Barbara then.

"It's Malou Rosalina." said Addie proudly.

"Oh, that's so cute. I'll write it down and then she'll get her name wristband.


After an hour that was full of adoring our daughter, it knocked gently on the door. Of course, we immediately knew who it was. Someone who had been waiting just as impatiently for Malou's arrival as we were. The new auntie.

"Come in." I said, and saw Corinne poking her head in the door with a curious look.

With tears of joy in her eyes, she hugged me tightly and congratulated me. Then she devoted her attention entirely to her sister and the little bundle in her arms.

"Oh Addie, congratulations. Look what you did! Hey my little Lou Lou... I'm your Auntie Cori!" she gushed.

"Thank you sweetheart. Do you want to hold your niece?" asked Addie equally moved.

Cori could only nod. Unlike usual, she was speechless. Very carefully, she held the baby and looked at every detail about her. She was immediately as in love as we were.

As we spent time together and enjoyed this little miracle that was now part of this family, I couldn't help but think how happy I had been since Addison had come into my life.

I was lucky that this little "Just in case..." had turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me. Without Addison's initiative, and Cori's too, we probably wouldn't be here today. Happily married and new parents to our little Malou.

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