4 After a month

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Addison POV

"All right, Miss Blake. I'm glad you had time to come here today to talk about Corinne's scholastic achievements. I know you are very busy," said the principal of Corinne's school, Mr. Dawson. His tone was a little condescending.

He was an older gentleman who looked at me over his glasses. Immediately I felt like I was back in school myself. And my feeling told me that he was a very old-fashioned teacher who liked to deal with his students with strictness and a hard hand. No wonder Cori and her classmates didn't like him. After only 10 seconds all with him, I could not blame them.

"Of course. I know I don't have much time to be involved here at the school, but I will always be there for my sister. I want her to get the best education." I replied as he pointed to the chair in front of his desk.

I sat down as he walked around his desk and sat down as well. Then he flipped through his papers before looking at me again.

"I'm glad you said that. But I think you're kidding yourself if you think Corinne is performing well," he said.

Before I could ask what he meant by that, we heard his secretary's voice over the intercom.

"Sir, Miss Blake is here now," she said.

"Thank you, Keisha. Send her in, please." said Mr. Dawson as he pressed the button.

Corinne came in and gave me a little smile before her face practically froze at the sight of the principal.

"Well.... where was I?" he asked.

"You were just explaining to me why you think my sister is not a good student," I said in a tone that made him understand that I didn't share his opinion one bit.

"Oh yes. Well, Corinne's performance is far behind what we expect from her. She does her homework poorly and often late. She does not participate in class. In addition, she is often very rude to her teachers. All in all, she is simply lazy and will never achieve anything. And I think we are just wasting our time with her," he said.

I couldn't believe that this man was supposed to be a teacher. What did he think he was doing? She had been at this new school for 3 months. 

"Okay, now you listen to me. I know that Cori hasn't always been a good student. But we are working on it. In the last 4 weeks alone, her grades have improved. Her other teachers are helping her as much as they can. So is the tutor. Unlike you! How dare you talk that way about a 15 year old? A teenager? You should know how hard it is for kids that age. I will not let you and your incompetence discredit my sister.

I know she can accomplish a lot with the right help. She is smart. She has potential. I can see that and believe in her even if she doesn't do it herself yet.

If you can't do your job and do everything you can to support and motivate your students, then it's probably time to look for another school. And know that my donations will be put to much better use there. Cori, come. We're done here," I replied.


"Addie?" asked Corinne as we sat in the car and I drove us to the mall.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Did you mean what you said? That you believe in me?" she asked quietly.

"Of course I do! I know you've always been a little lazy. But that was just because mom never encouraged you. But look how far you've come in just four weeks. You put in a lot of work and finally had fun in school. I'm not gonna let that idiot try to take that away from you.

We will find a better school for you, Cori. I promise you that. Giving up is out of the question. Maybe we should think about a private school. You'll get more help from the teachers there than here," I replied.

"But.... I don't want to lose my friends." she sniffed softly.

"If they're really your friends, you'll make it work. And you'll make new friends, honey. I just want you to have the best chance. No matter what it costs." I explained to her as I parked the car and took her hand.

Lately our relationship had improved so much. I understood that Cori had to get used to the new situation. That she missed mom and her familiar surroundings. And then she was a teenager, that alone was enough. I had to explain to her that only by talking to me I could help her. I hoped that she would understand that I was not her enemy. So far it worked out quite well. She even accepted the tutoring.

"I don't want you to spend so much money on me..." she mumbled then and I saw her cheeks turn red.

"This is my money and I can do what I want with it. I have the opportunity to help you with it. This is the best investment I can make. It's your future. Besides... if you want to join the company in a few years, I want you to have a good start," I explained to her.

"But enough of that now.... We need to buy some Christmas presents. Oh and I need a dress for this award party." I added.


"I love the dress. Now you just need a date." my little sister said as we finished shopping. We had indeed found a dress for the party.

"If only it were that easy. Listen.... Can you maybe go to Sephora and check out the new display. And take some pictures if you can? I'd do it myself, but that's weird looking at my own products. Besides, they know me there," I replied.

"You want me to be your spy?" Corinne wanted to know.

"Yes, exactly. I'll get you a cinnamon bun in the meantime." I said, knowing I could always convince her with that.

"Okay, fine..." she said with a roll of her eyes, but she still couldn't help grinning.

I was on my way to get her the promised treat. But just as I was about to go in, one of the bags slipped from my fingers. I bent down to pick it up, but another hand was faster than me. I looked up and saw familiar blue eyes. Even after a month, I hadn't forgotten them.

"Adam!" I exclaimed in surprise.

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